Need help with code

need help to make the ellipse go reverse and start all over again. want the ellipse to go back and forth on the same route.
so far i have managed to move it forward. here is the code i already have;
int x = 30;
int y = 30;
//int xDirection = 1;
//int yDirection = 1;
boolean moveForward = false;
boolean moveDown = false;
boolean moveBack = false;
boolean moveUp = false;

void setup() {
size(300, 300);

void draw() {
if ((x==30)&&(y==30)) {
moveForward = true;
moveUp = false;
} else if ((x==270)&&(y==30)) {
moveForward = false;
moveDown = true;
} else if ((x==270)&&(y==270)) {
moveDown = false;
moveBack = true;
} else if ((x==30)&&(y==270)) {
moveBack = false;
moveUp = true;
if (moveForward == true) {
y =30;
} else if (moveDown == true) {
} else if (moveBack == true) {
} else if (moveUp == true) {
ellipse(x, y, 60, 60);



Welcome to the forum! :wink:

Please note that you can format your code using the </> button when editing your message on the forum or enclose your code with backticks : ``` your code ``` → your code

There’s some errors in your code, I don’t know if it’s the copy pasting stuff but you rather want : x--; instead of x-; line 35

I think that you are doing too much conditions here and if you want the ellipse to go back, it’s going to add even more complexity. You have 4 conditions for switching before one direction to the other and 4 conditions to move the ball depending on it’s direction.

What I would do is : create a t variable representing the time of your animation between 0 and 1. So if I say 0.5, then it’s representing the ball at half the animation.

Also you manually specified the values of the border of the window (270, 30 for example) but what if I want the window size to change? And the ball size?

I would go like this :

// Ball parameters
float ballSize = 60;
float ballRadius = ballSize / 2;

// Time parameters
float t = 0;
float timeOffset = 0.005;

// The direction of the ball
boolean forward = true;

void setup() {
  size(300, 300);

void draw() {
  float x, y;
  // Test for each portions
  if (t >= 0 && t < 0.25) { // Up
    x = map(t, 0, 0.25, ballRadius, width - ballRadius);
    y = ballSize / 2;
  } else if (t >= 0.25 && t < 0.5) { // Right
    x = width - ballRadius;
    y = map(t, 0.25, 0.5, ballRadius, height - ballRadius);
  } else if (t >= 0.5 && t < 0.75) { // Down
    x = map(t, 0.5, 0.75, width - ballRadius, ballRadius);
    y = height - ballRadius;
  } else { // Left
    x = ballRadius;
    y = map(t, 0.75, 1, height - ballRadius, ballRadius);
  // Display the circle
  circle(x, y, ballSize);
  // Move forward or backward in the animation
  if (forward) {
    t += timeOffset;
  } else {
    t -= timeOffset;
  // If the animation is finished, invert the direction
  if (t > 1 || t < 0) {
    forward = !forward;

Since the window is a square, I am dividing the animation in 4 steps for the sides. 1 / 4 = 0.25 so each time I check if the time is between [0, 0.25[ or [0.25, 0.5[ or [0.5, 0.75[… then based on that I use the map() function to get the x and y location of the ball based on the time.

I made a little sketch to explain that :

Hope it helps! :wink:


Thankyou it worked perfectly

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