B-splines implementation

I am trying to draw a b-spline, i don’t want to use third party libraries I want to implement it myself.,
the code below does not work correctly. control point px [0] p and [0] appears to be at 0.0.

but it should be x = 22 y = 33, that is, the curve should start from 22.33.

someone who understands spline curves can tell me it’s wrong.


float[] px2={ 22,44,55};
float[] py2={ 33, 150,35};

float[] k={0,0,0,1,1,1};

void setup(){

void draw(){

  //draw control points    
  for (int i = 0; i <= px2.length - 1; i++)

 b_spline(px2,py2, 2, k, 100);  

     /////////////////// B-SPLINE /////

    float b_spline_basis(float i,float r,float t, float[] u){
       float u_i = u[int(i+1)];
       float u_i1 = u[int(i+2)];
       float u_ir = u[int(i+r+1)];
       float u_i1r = u[int(i+r+2)];
        if (r == 0 ){
            if( u_i <= t && t<= u_i1)
               { return 1.0;}
               { return 0;}
            float left = 0;
            if ((u_ir-u_i) != 0){
                left = (t-u_i)/(u_ir-u_i) * b_spline_basis(i,r-1,t,u);
            float  right = 0;
            if ((u_i1r-u_i1) != 0){
                right = (u_i1r-t)/(u_i1r-u_i1) * b_spline_basis(i+1,r-1,t,u);
            return left + right ;
    void b_spline(float[] dBx,float[] dBy, int n, float[] knot_vector, int steps){
        float m = dBx.length;
       float u_min = knot_vector[1];
       float u_max = knot_vector[knot_vector.length-1];
       float step_size = (u_max-u_min)/(steps);
        for(float t=u_min; t<u_max; t+=step_size){
           float[] pos = new float[2];
            for(int i=0; i<m; i++){
             // if(i<dBy.length && i+1+n<knot_vector.length){
               if (knot_vector[i+1] != knot_vector[i+1+n]){
                    pos[0] = pos[0]+dBx[i+1]*b_spline_basis(float(i),float(n),t,knot_vector);
                     pos[1] = pos[1]  +  dBy[i+1]  *b_spline_basis(float(i),float(n),t,knot_vector);
               // }
            ellipse( pos[0],pos[1] ,5,5);

If you do weaken, check out toxiclibs.

Guesses (I haven’t examined it carefully):

  1. this has something to do with a flipped sign – the original Julia example being modeled with an inverted y axis

  2. it has something to do with the translation of Julia’s broadcast operators (.)

  3. The domain of the original example is offset, and the result of b_spline should be something more like: ellipse(pos[0] + dBx[0], pos[1] + dBy[0], 5, 5);

These are just guesses. I actually think reading the code of a correct implementation – either processing or toxiclibs – might shed light on this, rather than just focusing on translating Julia.