please format code with </> button * homework policy * asking questions
i have old piece of code which i somehow transported to newest processing.
it makes piles of bezier curves, circles in this case.
from there i tried to port it to p5js, and it works, tho
the choppy little curves are not my nice circles i had before.
8 points of bezier curve need to be 12 points in 3d.
i don’t know where to anchor them.
code Processing:
import processing.opengl.*;
import controlP5.*;
// tweakings
float minR = 30; // minimum radius
float maxR = 120; // maximum radius
float minA = 1.2; // min angle step in radians
float maxA = 1.9; // max angle step in radians
float randomFactor = 0.3; // factor of randomness of the thread
float changeRate = 0.01; // possibility of a new circle in each step
float wanderRate = 0.7; // possibility of a wondering thread. less creates closer circles
int stepsPerFrame = 1; // steps done in each frame. control speed here. 1 is minimum
int stepsPerCircle = 777; // max steps per each circle after which it forces change
float threadAlpha = 128; // alpha of the thread stroke
float threadWeight = 2; // thickness of the thread
float colorChangeSpeed = 0.5; // speed of color cycle. 1.0 is maximum speed
// helper variables
float c = 0, x, y, r, a;
float pbx = 0, pby = 0, px = 0, py = 0;
boolean clockwise = false;
int step = 0;
void setup(){
size(1024, 680, OPENGL); // for present mode
colorMode(HSB); // easier color cycling
// initial values
x = screenWidth / 2;
y = screenHeight / 2;
r = random(minR, maxR);
a = random(TWO_PI);
px = pbx = x + cos(a) * r;
py = pby = y + sin(a) * r;
void draw(){
for (int i = 0; i < stepsPerFrame; i++){
float dir = clockwise ? 1 : -1;
a = a + random(minA, maxA) * dir;
float rmin = - randomFactor * r;
float rmax = randomFactor * r;
float x2 = (x + cos(a) * r) + random(rmin, rmax);
float y2 = (y + sin(a) * r) + random(rmin, rmax);
float d = sqrt(pow(x2 - px, 2) + pow(y2 - py, 2)) / 3;
float bx = (x2 + cos(a - HALF_PI * dir) * d) + random(rmin, rmax);
float by = (y2 + sin(a - HALF_PI * dir) * d) + random(rmin, rmax);
stroke(c, 0, 0, threadAlpha / 2);
float sshift = threadWeight / 2;
bezier(px + sshift, py + sshift, px + (px - pbx) + sshift, py + (py - pby) + sshift, bx + sshift, by + sshift, x2 + sshift, y2 + sshift);
c = (c + colorChangeSpeed) % 16;
stroke(c, 16, 16, threadAlpha);
bezier(px, py, px + (px - pbx), py + (py - pby), bx, by, x2, y2);
strokeWeight(threadWeight / 2);
stroke(c, 32, 255, threadAlpha / 2);
bezier(px - 1, py - 1, px + (px - pbx) - 1, py + (py - pby) - 1, bx - 1, by - 1, x2 - 1, y2 - 1);
px = x2;
py = y2;
pbx = bx;
pby = by;
if (random(1) < changeRate || step > stepsPerCircle || step == 1 && random(1) < wanderRate){
void createCircleParameters(){
float new_r = random(minR, maxR);
float new_x = x + cos(a) * (r + new_r);
float new_y = y + sin(a) * (r + new_r);
if (new_x - new_r > 0 && new_x + new_r < width && new_y - new_r > 0 && new_y + new_r < height){
x = new_x;
y = new_y;
r = new_r;
a = a + PI;
clockwise = !clockwise;
step = 0;
code P5js:
/* OpenProcessing Tweak of *@**@* */
var minR = 30; // minimum radius
var maxR = 120; // maximum radius
var minA = 1.2; // min angle step in radians
var maxA = 1.9; // max angle step in radians
var randomFactor = 0.3; // factor of randomness of the thread
var changeRate = 0.01; // possibility of a new circle in each step
var wanderRate = 0.7; // possibility of a wondering thread. less creates closer circles
var stepsPerFrame = 1; // steps done in each frame. control speed here. 1 is minimum
var stepsPerCircle = 777; // max steps per each circle after which it forces change
var threadAlpha = 128; // alpha of the thread stroke
var threadWeight = 2; // thickness of the thread
var colorChangeSpeed = 0.5; // speed of color cycle. 1.0 is maximum speed
// helper variables
var c = 0;
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var r = 0;
var a = 0;
var pbx = 0;
var pby = 0;
var px = 0;
var py = 0;
var clockwise = false;
var step = 0;
var new_r;
var new_x;
var new_y;
var sshift;
function setup() {
//createCanvas(1024, 680, WEBGL); // Z coordinates on beziers are missing! Mind the different location of the animation in 3D
createCanvas(1024, 680);
colorMode(HSB, 360, 255, 255, 1); // HSB works with the Hue being 0-260, Saturation 0-100, and Brightness being 0-100. Alpha has to be 0-1. So the maximum color looks like this (360,100,100,1).
// I've marked where you can influence the "intensity" of the color in the code
function draw() {
// initial values // restructured by me
var x = width / 2;
var y = height / 2;
var r = random(minR, maxR);
var a = random(TWO_PI);
var px = pbx = x + cos(a) * r;
var py = pby = y + sin(a) * r;
for (var i = 0; i < stepsPerFrame; i++) {
var c = 180;
var c = (c + colorChangeSpeed) % 16;
var dir = clockwise ? 1 : -1;
var a = a + random(minA, maxA) * dir;
var rmin = -randomFactor * r;
var rmax = randomFactor * r;
var x2 = (x + cos(a) * r) + random(rmin, rmax);
var y2 = (y + sin(a) * r) + random(rmin, rmax);
var d = sqrt(pow(x2 - px, 2) + pow(y2 - py, 2)) / 3;
var bx = (x2 + cos(a - HALF_PI * dir) * d) + random(rmin, rmax);
var by = (y2 + sin(a - HALF_PI * dir) * d) + random(rmin, rmax);
stroke(c, 0, 0, threadAlpha / 2);
var sshift = threadWeight / 2;
bezier(px + sshift, py + sshift, px + (px - pbx) + sshift, py + (py - pby) + sshift, bx + sshift, by + sshift, x2 + sshift, y2 + sshift);
stroke(c, 16, 16, threadAlpha); // Here you have low Saturation and Brightness
bezier(px, py, px + (px - pbx), py + (py - pby), bx, by, x2, y2);
strokeWeight(threadWeight / 2);
stroke(c, 32, 255, threadAlpha / 2); // Here, Brightness is over 100 and saturation is low.
bezier(px - 1, py - 1, px + (px - pbx) - 1, py + (py - pby) - 1, bx - 1, by - 1, x2 - 1, y2 - 1);
var px = x2;
var py = y2;
var pbx = bx;
var pby = by;
if (random(1) < changeRate || step > stepsPerCircle || step == 1 && random(1) < wanderRate) {
function createCircleParameters() {
var new_r = random(minR, maxR);
var new_x = x + cos(a) * (r + new_r);
var new_y = y + sin(a) * (r + new_r);
if (new_x - new_r > 0 && new_x + new_r < width && new_y - new_r > 0 && new_y + new_r < height) {
x = new_x;
y = new_y;
r = new_r;
a = a + PI;
clockwise = !clockwise;
step = 0;
i need to have dynamic x4, y4, and z4, but i do not see any example of code with those 12 parametars.
thnx for any pointers!