Artistic display of processing animations in home

Hi there,

Has anyone made any sort of artistic or aesthetically pleasing displays of animations or Processing artwork in their homes?

I have a number of animations I quite like and think are pleasing that I’d like to make them into some sort of art installation in my home. Rather than printing stills of them, I’d like to make a nice-looking display where a code changes throughout the day what animation is being displayed.

I am thinking I’ll need to put my Processing work on a Raspberry Pi and then have that running to a screen, but I really don’t want to just have a TV running artwork all day. I don’t want the artwork to look like something on a TV, instead I want it to look more framed and classy. I don’t even want a viewer to know it’s being displayed on a TV. Ideally, I’d like to avoid a TV altogether, but not sure that’s possible.

I considered something like this where you hack a computer monitor to be transparent and build a frame around it, but this seems to only work if there’s a lot of background light. Since this will be up against a wall, I doubt there will be barely any light:

I also considered a magic mirror, but I think the animations and artwork I’d like to show would be hard to see through the mirror.

Has anyone made a nice way to display processing animations/artwork? This project is at the intersection of creative coding, raspberry pi and hardware, and also interior design, so a bit niche, but hoping someone has some ideas!

Thanks so much!

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Your question reminds me of this project by Patricio Gonzales Vivo (known for The Book of Shaders).

He upcycled e-waste monitors to turn them into art frames. I don’t think he published a tutorial but you could try to reach out and ask him for tips :blush: