Arduino + Processing


I would like to create a little game for my child to discover electronics.

Unfortunately this is not my area…

I would like to be able to display an image when you clap your hands. for this I have an arduino uno and a sound detector.

here is my arduino code :

// Define hardware connections
#define PIN_GATE_IN 2
#define IRQ_GATE_IN 0
#define PIN_LED_OUT 13
#define PIN_ANALOG_IN A0

// soundISR()
// This function is installed as an interrupt service routine for the pin
// change interrupt. When digital input 2 changes state, this routine
// is called.
// It queries the state of that pin, and sets the onboard LED to reflect that
// pin's state.
void soundISR()
int pin_val;

pin_val = digitalRead(PIN_GATE_IN);
digitalWrite(PIN_LED_OUT, pin_val);

void setup()

// Configure LED pin as output

// configure input to interrupt
attachInterrupt(IRQ_GATE_IN, soundISR, CHANGE);

// Display status

void loop()
int value;

// Check the envelope input
value = analogRead(PIN_ANALOG_IN);

// Convert envelope value into a message
Serial.print("Status: ");
if(value <= 10)
else if( (value > 10) && ( value <= 30) )
else if(value > 30)

// pause for 1 second

and here is my processing code :

import processing.serial.<em>;
Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class
static String val; // Data received from the serial port
int sensorVal =0;
//Movie myMovie;

PImage singe;

void setup() {
size(1920, 1080);
// myMovie = new Movie(this, "");
singe = loadImage("singe.png");


String portName = Serial.list()[2]; //change the 0 to a 1 or 2 etc. to match your port
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);


void draw() {

//image(myMovie, 0, 0);

logo.resize(0, 250);
image(singe, 550 , 350);

if ( myPort.available() > 0)
{ // If data is available,
val = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');
println(val); //print it out in the console


//void movieEvent(Movie m) {
// }

Do you know how I can say on processing: display “singe” image when the sound detector detects a value ?

thank you in advance

have a good day !

Try clapping your hands and see what happens to value on the Processing side; I’m guessing that it will increase. When you know how high it goes then write code something like this:

if (value > someNumber){
image(myImage, x, y);

i.e., if number is above a certain value, display my image.
You can read how to load and display an image here:

Hi Sir
