Arduino, piezo sensors and Processing animations

Hi everyone,

(french version below)
I’m working on a project with Arduino, piezo sensors and Processing. I would like to have an animation played on Processing for each time a sensor is activated (an animation for a sensor). The first sensor sends on Arduino: A + the value of the analog voltage. (example: A121). On Processing, I used switch to locate the first sensor A. The program returns well “note A: 128”. But does not want to return an ellipse (or another shape) when the sensor is activated.

Thanks for your help,

Je suis en train de réaliser un projet avec Arduino, des capteurs piezo et Processing. J’aimerais qu’une animation se joue sur Processing à chaque fois qu’un capteur est activé (une animation pour un capteur). Le premier capteur envoie sur Arduino : A + la valeur de la tension analogique. (exemple : A121). Sur Processing, j’ai utilisé switch pour repérer le premier capteur A. Le programme renvoie bien “note A : 128”. Mais ne veut pas renvoyer une ellipse (ou une autre forme) quand le capteur est activé.

Merci pour votre aide,

Here my Processing code :

import processing.serial.*; // librairie qui permet la communication serie avec Arduino
Serial myPort; // instance de la classe Serial
int threshold = 90; // valeur de seuil

void setup() {
size(displayWidth, displayHeight); // plein écran
myPort = new Serial(this, “/dev/cu.usbmodem1411” , 9600); // le porte utilisé et la meme valeur en baud du prog Arduino
myPort.bufferUntil(’\n’); // ne génére pas d’événement en série, sauf si il y a une nouvelle ligne de caractère

void draw() {


void serialEvent (Serial myPort) {

String serie = myPort.readString();

switch (serie.substring(0,1)){
case “A”:
println("note A : "+serie.substring(1));
//déclencher animation A
ellipse(56, 46, 55, 55);

case "B":
println("note B : "+serie.substring(1));
//déclencher animation B



your serial event code might draw a ellipse
( only 1/60 of a second / see a flicker? )

so please start
ignore serial … arduino …
make that program drawing what you want on

keyPressed() {}

Thanks for your response. Yes it works with keyPressed ! But what can I do to make it right with piezo sensors and serial port ?

please show your latest code with keyPressed() AND serialEvent()

Hi kll,

Thanks for your reponse. Here my latest code. It shows the animation when I press the sensor but the animation don’t stop. I’d have to create an array but I didn’t succeed. I would like to activate the animations like this program ( but in java and with the sensors instead of the keyboard keys.

import processing.serial.*; // library that allows serial communication with Arduino
Serial myPort; // instance of the Serial class
String signalA;
// String signaux[];
AnimationA animA;

void setup() {
  size(displayWidth, displayHeight); // full screen
  myPort = new Serial(this, "/dev/cu.usbmodem1411" , 9600); // port used and the same baud value of Arduino program
  myPort.bufferUntil('\n'); // does not generate a serial event unless there is a new character line
  animA = new AnimationA(random(width), random(height), 1); // first animation
void draw() {

  if (signalA != null){
    animA.display(); // play the first animation

void serialEvent (Serial myPort) {

  String serie = myPort.readString();
  switch (serie.substring(0,1)){
    case "A":
    println("note A : "+serie.substring(1));
    signalA = serie.substring(1);
    //signaux[0] = signalA ;
    case "B":
    println("note B : "+serie.substring(1));

void keyPressed() {

class AnimationA {
  // parameters declaration
  float x;
  float y;
  float v1;
  float v2;
  float v3;
  float radius;

  // constructor
  AnimationA(float nouvX, float nouvY, float nouvRadius) {
    x = nouvX;
    y = nouvY;
    v1 = random(145, 255);
    v2 = random(145, 255);
    v3 = random(145, 255);
    radius = nouvRadius;

  void display(){
    stroke(v1, v2, v3);
    circle(x, y, radius+200);
    circle(x, y, radius+100);
    circle(x, y, radius);
    circle(x, y, radius-100);
    radius += 30;