Any game engine that support Processing Java

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Well in some sense, Processing can be used to build a simple standalone game engine :

  • setup() function where you initialize all your game assets and objects
  • draw() function is the game loop where you display each frame and update game objects

Otherwise, if you are looking for Java game engines, this is for you :

PS: Please provide more information when you ask a question on this forum :slight_smile:

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Hola, si que existe, se llama GameLibZero, y esta disponible para Windows/linux/MacOSX/Android.

Este framework lo he creado yo y es el que utilizo para realizar diversos trabajos industriales y varios videojuegos.

Si te sigue interesante el tema puedo publicarlo para que lo utilices, estoy en fase de desarrollo del mismo y todos los video tutoriales estan en youtube en idioma ESPAĂ‘OL/CASTELLANO. Si te interesa dimelo y te paso el paquete.

Hello, if it exists, it is called GameLibZero, and it is available for Windows / linux / MacOSX / Android.

I have created this framework and it is the one I use to carry out various industrial jobs and various video games.

If the subject is still interesting, I can publish it for you to use, I am in the development phase and all the tutorial videos are on YouTube in the SPANISH / SPANISH language. If you are interested tell me and I will hand you the package.

I am currently collaborating on two projects with this game engine, one for android and one for desktop, both are multiplayer. The framework has integrated everything necessary to create gameObject () belonging to the areas of sound, sprites, 3d models, collisions, texts, depth control between objects in 2d planes, scroll planes, and a very long etc.

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Hi @erkosone,

After looking at your code on GitHub (here, let me suggest you some advices :slight_smile: :

  • You shouldn’t put all the versions of the software on a single GitHub repo because cloning the repo means downloading all the versions of the engine… You should consider managing releases

  • You should split up the main .pde file of the engine because modular programming is a key concept when building a software or library (packages, classes and function…). It’s easier to maintain and to debug.

  • Give folders better names (not newProjectDesktop_SOFTWARE, use this in an example folder or something) and use Java naming conventions for classes (not sprite but Sprite), functions and variables. Also try to put all the import statements at the top of each .java files

Hope it helps!

Gracias por toda esta información, de hecho el proyecto esta en fase de desarrollo, llevo con el varios años y estoy apunto de alcanzar una versión 1.0, pero falta un poco de trabajo…

Realmente el creador de proyectos para processing con gameLibZero es este que trae todo lo necesario empaquetado en una sola aplicacion, se trata de un APP bastante similar al project creator de libGDX donde escojes los modulos a usar y das un nombre y se crea el paquete de salida listo para trabajar con el.

EN: Thanks for all this information, in fact the project is in the development phase, I have been with it for several years and I am about to reach a version 1.0, but a little work is missing …

Actually the project creator to process with gameLibZero is this that brings everything you need packaged in a single application, it is an application quite similar to the creator of the libGDX project where you choose the modules to use and give a name and the package is created output ready to work with.

The youtube playlist for use this.:

I would like to take a look at it, but the file is gone, could you re-send it?

Hola, estoy pensando en portar la libreria de forma oficial al repositorio de librerias para processing 4 para poder mantenerla y trabajar mejor con ella, ultimamente la estoy poniendo al dia en muchos aspectos y creo que ya es hora de hacerla publica.

Si te hace falta de forma inmediata puedo colgarte la versiĂłn mas nueva con el Generador de proyectos. Actualmente tengo el Game Engine listo para hacer juegos en red multijugador con libreria de red propia :slight_smile:

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