I’m interested in developing an animated loop for a quadrilateral polygon that slowly moves down vertically from its initial position to the exact position of a quadrilateral polygon of the same size. Finally, the initial quad moves up vertically to its original position, and then back down again in an infinite loop (i.e., like an unstoppable “elevator”). I don’t think keyboard or mouse functions are necessary. Here’s what I’ve designed so far:
//quad(350, 400, 550, 250, 550, 450, 350, 600);
//quad(350, 400, 350, 600, 150, 450, 150, 250);
quad(350, 300, 550, 450, 350, 600, 150, 450);
quad(350, 300, 350, 100, 550, 250, 550, 450);
quad(350, 300, 150, 450, 150, 250, 350, 100);
quad(350, 100, 550, 250, 350, 400, 150, 250);
Any assistance or ideas related to animation of this project are greatly appreciated.