Animated gradient blur


How can we do the below animated gradient blur?? how can we get the gradient effect animated. Any pointers will be of great help.

Hi @dragodiv,

you can checkout the concepts of …

— mnse

…Perlin Noise:


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Hello @dragodiv,

These are on the Processing website:

Check out the Math section in Examples:

You can always go down the rabbit hole and do a search in the forum.

Experiment and explore!

Start simple and build on that…


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Yes yes had gone through perlin noise and flow fleids…but wasnt sure about how can the gradient change as the flow…?

Hi @dragodiv,

ie. you can map the noise value (or the angle) to colors…

— mnse

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Ohh okok… Will go through that and apply it and see… Thank you all for response…will post the code if I get close… :slight_smile:

Hello @dragodiv ,

HSB colorMode() is fun to work with…

In the 3D Perlin noise example set the hue instead of the brightness.


