Android video problem

Hello, I can’t play video on my phone, but the picture is working, I don’t know what I did wrong I have looked at other forums but quite old ones I would be glad if you could help. HERE IS MY CODE


Movie mov;
int timer=1500;

void setup() {
mov=new Movie(this,“anime1.mp4”);


void draw() {


void page3() {

text(“John Doe, Yedi Olumcul Gunahtan Birini Isledikleri Icin Suclulari \n Cezalandirir. Once Pesine Dustugu Kurban Hangi Gunahtan Suclu?”, 0, height/2+100);

if (mouseX>50 && mouseY>height/2+400 && mouseX<350 && mouseY<height/2+550 && mousePressed==true ) {

 rect(50, height/2+400, 300, 150);
rect(width/2-130, height/2+400, 300, 150);
rect(width/2+400, height/2+400, 300, 150);

} else if (mouseX>width/2-130 && mouseY>height/2+400 && mouseX<width/2+170 && mouseY<height/2+550 && mousePressed==true) {

 rect(50, height/2+400, 300, 150);
rect(width/2-130, height/2+400, 300, 150);
rect(width/2+400, height/2+400, 300, 150);


} else if (mouseX>width/2+400 && mouseY>height/2+400 && mouseX<width/2+700 && mouseY<height/2+550 && mousePressed==true) {

 rect(50, height/2+400, 300, 150);
rect(width/2-130, height/2+400, 300, 150);
rect(width/2+400, height/2+400, 300, 150);

} else {
rect(50, height/2+400, 300, 150);
rect(width/2-130, height/2+400, 300, 150);
rect(width/2+400, height/2+400, 300, 150);
text(“Kibir”, 145, height/2+488);
text(“Tembellik”, width/2-70,height/2+488);
text(“Kiskanclik”, width/2+450, height/2+488);
text("KALAN SANIYE : "+timer/100.0,420,height/2+900);


keep gives me this error FATAL EXCEPTION: Animation Thread

@clay21 === Processing videos do not work with android and there are a lot of posts about android+video on the forum…

yeah but they’re old and i cant find any library for android video so can you help me really i didnt find anything im not that pro at this :slight_smile:

I saw you in every android video forum, I understand that you are trying to teach the code, but I believe that I will learn better by studying the code.

can you just send me a simple android video code that works please

Not a simple maybe. I’ve just tested it with this video, on an Android 10 and a Lollipop device.
Here’s the code.
Edit: If you are using APDE, you have to move fullScreen(); from settings() to setup(), because in the last version, settings() can be used anymore.

what i want to do is just play videos i don’t want to give any features

Will my video not work unless I write all of this?

thanks for the answer by the way

@clay21 === dont teach nothing, i am an android developper who likes P5 and tryes to help when he has some time left…As for videos, sorry there is only the ketai library for helping wrapping the android code: if you dont use it, you have to write and code yourself…looking what was pubiished in the forum

That’s the way I learn also. Take a working code and strip it all to the part you just want. But at least you have to try.