Android mode import fails build

Is there an alternative library to replace import* that is not available in Android mode apparently?
In Java mode I use Client ( to telnet into other devices on my local network.

I was able to fix my problem by using code from the library at

in my working sketch. I had to add Internet permission. I created a tab with the following code after removing package and public keywords as follows:

/* -*- mode: java; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */

  Client - basic network client implementation
  Part of the Processing project -

  Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Ben Fry and Casey Reas
  The previous version of this code was developed by Hernando Barragan

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
  Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
  Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

import processing.core.*;

import java.lang.reflect.*;

   * ( begin auto-generated from Client.xml )
   * A client connects to a server and sends data back and forth. If anything 
   * goes wrong with the connection, for example the host is not there or is 
   * listening on a different port, an exception is thrown.
   * ( end auto-generated )
 * @webref net
 * @brief The client class is used to create client Objects which connect to a server to exchange data. 
 * @instanceName client any variable of type Client
 * @usage Application
 * @see_external LIB_net/clientEvent
class Client implements Runnable {

  protected static final int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 1 << 27; // 128 MB

  PApplet parent;
  Method clientEventMethod;
  Method disconnectEventMethod;

  volatile Thread thread;
  Socket socket;
  int port;
  String host;

  public InputStream input;
  public OutputStream output;

  final Object bufferLock = new Object[0];

  byte buffer[] = new byte[32768];
  int bufferIndex;
  int bufferLast;

  boolean disposeRegistered = false;
   * @param parent typically use "this"
   * @param host address of the server
   * @param port port to read/write from on the server
  Client(PApplet parent, String host, int port) {
    this.parent = parent; = host;
    this.port = port;

    try {
      socket = new Socket(, this.port);
      input = socket.getInputStream();
      output = socket.getOutputStream();

      thread = new Thread(this);

      parent.registerMethod("dispose", this);
      disposeRegistered = true;

      // reflection to check whether host sketch has a call for
      // public void clientEvent(
      // which would be called each time an event comes in
      try {
        clientEventMethod =
          parent.getClass().getMethod("clientEvent", Client.class);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // no such method, or an error.. which is fine, just ignore
      // do the same for disconnectEvent(Client c);
      try {
        disconnectEventMethod =
          parent.getClass().getMethod("disconnectEvent", Client.class);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // no such method, or an error.. which is fine, just ignore

    } catch (IOException e) {

   * @param socket any object of type Socket
   * @throws IOException
  Client(PApplet parent, Socket socket) throws IOException {
    this.parent = parent;
    this.socket = socket;

    input = socket.getInputStream();
    output = socket.getOutputStream();

    thread = new Thread(this);

    // reflection to check whether host sketch has a call for
    // public void clientEvent(
    // which would be called each time an event comes in
    try {
      clientEventMethod =
          parent.getClass().getMethod("clientEvent", Client.class);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // no such method, or an error.. which is fine, just ignore
    // do the same for disconnectEvent(Client c);
    try {
      disconnectEventMethod =
        parent.getClass().getMethod("disconnectEvent", Client.class);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // no such method, or an error.. which is fine, just ignore

   * ( begin auto-generated from Client_stop.xml )
   * Disconnects from the server. Use to shut the connection when you're 
   * finished with the Client.
   * ( end auto-generated )
   * @webref client:client
   * @brief Disconnects from the server
   * @usage application
  void stop() {    
    if (disconnectEventMethod != null && thread != null){
      try {
        disconnectEventMethod.invoke(parent, this);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Throwable cause = e;
        // unwrap the exception if it came from the user code
        if (e instanceof InvocationTargetException && e.getCause() != null) {
          cause = e.getCause();
        disconnectEventMethod = null;
    if (disposeRegistered) {
      parent.unregisterMethod("dispose", this);
      disposeRegistered = false;

   * Disconnect from the server: internal use only.
   * <P>
   * This should only be called by the internal functions in PApplet,
   * use stop() instead from within your own applets.
  void dispose() {
    thread = null;
    try {
      if (input != null) {
        input = null;
    } catch (Exception e) {

    try {
      if (output != null) {
        output = null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    try {
      if (socket != null) {
        socket = null;
    } catch (Exception e) {

  void run() {
    byte[] readBuffer;
    { // make the read buffer same size as socket receive buffer so that
      // we don't waste cycles calling listeners when there is more data waiting
      int readBufferSize = 1 << 16; // 64 KB (default socket receive buffer size)
      try {
        readBufferSize = socket.getReceiveBufferSize();
      } catch (SocketException ignore) { }
      readBuffer = new byte[readBufferSize];
    while (Thread.currentThread() == thread) {
      try {
        while (input != null) {
          int readCount;

          // try to read a byte using a blocking read. 
          // An exception will occur when the sketch is exits.
          try {
            readCount =, 0, readBuffer.length);
          } catch (SocketException e) {
             System.err.println("Client SocketException: " + e.getMessage());
             // the socket had a problem reading so don't try to read from it again.
          // read returns -1 if end-of-stream occurs (for example if the host disappears)
          if (readCount == -1) {
            System.err.println("Client got end-of-stream.");

          synchronized (bufferLock) {
            int freeBack = buffer.length - bufferLast;
            if (readCount > freeBack) {
              // not enough space at the back
              int bufferLength = bufferLast - bufferIndex;
              byte[] targetBuffer = buffer;
              if (bufferLength + readCount > buffer.length) {
                // can't fit even after compacting, resize the buffer
                // find the next power of two which can fit everything in
                int newSize = Integer.highestOneBit(bufferLength + readCount - 1) << 1;
                if (newSize > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
                  // buffer is full because client is not reading (fast enough)
                  System.err.println("Client: can't receive more data, buffer is full. " +
                                         "Make sure you read the data from the client.");
                targetBuffer = new byte[newSize];
              // compact the buffer (either in-place or into the new bigger buffer)
              System.arraycopy(buffer, bufferIndex, targetBuffer, 0, bufferLength);
              bufferLast -= bufferIndex;
              bufferIndex = 0;
              buffer = targetBuffer;
            // copy all newly read bytes into the buffer
            System.arraycopy(readBuffer, 0, buffer, bufferLast, readCount);
            bufferLast += readCount;

          // now post an event
          if (clientEventMethod != null) {
            try {
              clientEventMethod.invoke(parent, this);
            } catch (Exception e) {
              System.err.println("error, disabling clientEvent() for " + host);
              Throwable cause = e;
              // unwrap the exception if it came from the user code
              if (e instanceof InvocationTargetException && e.getCause() != null) {
                cause = e.getCause();
              clientEventMethod = null;
      } catch (IOException e) {
        //errorMessage("run", e);

   * ( begin auto-generated from Client_active.xml )
   * Returns true if this client is still active and hasn't run
   * into any trouble.
   * ( end auto-generated )
   * @webref client:client
   * @brief Returns true if this client is still active
   * @usage application
  boolean active() {
    return (thread != null);

   * ( begin auto-generated from Client_ip.xml )
   * Returns the IP address of the computer to which the Client is attached.
   * ( end auto-generated )
   * @webref client:client
   * @usage application
   * @brief Returns the IP address of the machine as a String
  String ip() {
    if (socket != null){
      return socket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
    return null;

   * ( begin auto-generated from Client_available.xml )
   * Returns the number of bytes available. When any client has bytes 
   * available from the server, it returns the number of bytes.
   * ( end auto-generated )
   * @webref client:client
   * @usage application
   * @brief Returns the number of bytes in the buffer waiting to be read
  int available() {
    synchronized (bufferLock) {
      return (bufferLast - bufferIndex);

   * ( begin auto-generated from Client_clear.xml )
   * Empty the buffer, removes all the data stored there.
   * ( end auto-generated )
   * @webref client:client
   * @usage application
   * @brief Clears the buffer
  void clear() {
    synchronized (bufferLock) {
      bufferLast = 0;
      bufferIndex = 0;

   * ( begin auto-generated from Client_read.xml )
   * Returns a number between 0 and 255 for the next byte that's waiting in 
   * the buffer. Returns -1 if there is no byte, although this should be 
   * avoided by first cheacking <b>available()</b> to see if any data is available.
   * ( end auto-generated )
   * @webref client:client
   * @usage application
   * @brief Returns a value from the buffer
  int read() {
    synchronized (bufferLock) {
      if (bufferIndex == bufferLast) return -1;

      int outgoing = buffer[bufferIndex++] & 0xff;
      if (bufferIndex == bufferLast) {  // rewind
        bufferIndex = 0;
        bufferLast = 0;
      return outgoing;

   * ( begin auto-generated from Client_readChar.xml )
   * Returns the next byte in the buffer as a char. Returns -1 or 0xffff if 
   * nothing is there.
   * ( end auto-generated )
   * @webref client:client
   * @usage application
   * @brief Returns the next byte in the buffer as a char
  char readChar() {
    synchronized (bufferLock) {
      if (bufferIndex == bufferLast) return (char) (-1);
      return (char) read();

   * ( begin auto-generated from Client_readBytes.xml )
   * Reads a group of bytes from the buffer. The version with no parameters 
   * returns a byte array of all data in the buffer. This is not efficient, 
   * but is easy to use. The version with the <b>byteBuffer</b> parameter is 
   * more memory and time efficient. It grabs the data in the buffer and puts 
   * it into the byte array passed in and returns an int value for the number 
   * of bytes read. If more bytes are available than can fit into the 
   * <b>byteBuffer</b>, only those that fit are read.
   * ( end auto-generated )
   * <h3>Advanced</h3>
   * Return a byte array of anything that's in the serial buffer.
   * Not particularly memory/speed efficient, because it creates
   * a byte array on each read, but it's easier to use than
   * readBytes(byte b[]) (see below).
   * @webref client:client
   * @usage application
   * @brief Reads everything in the buffer
  byte[] readBytes() {
    synchronized (bufferLock) {
      if (bufferIndex == bufferLast) return null;

      int length = bufferLast - bufferIndex;
      byte outgoing[] = new byte[length];
      System.arraycopy(buffer, bufferIndex, outgoing, 0, length);

      bufferIndex = 0;  // rewind
      bufferLast = 0;
      return outgoing;

   * <h3>Advanced</h3>
   * Return a byte array of anything that's in the serial buffer
   * up to the specified maximum number of bytes.
   * Not particularly memory/speed efficient, because it creates
   * a byte array on each read, but it's easier to use than
   * readBytes(byte b[]) (see below).
   * @param max the maximum number of bytes to read
  byte[] readBytes(int max) {
    synchronized (bufferLock) {
      if (bufferIndex == bufferLast) return null;

      int length = bufferLast - bufferIndex;
      if (length > max) length = max;
      byte outgoing[] = new byte[length];
      System.arraycopy(buffer, bufferIndex, outgoing, 0, length);

      bufferIndex += length;
      if (bufferIndex == bufferLast) {
        bufferIndex = 0;  // rewind
        bufferLast = 0;

      return outgoing;

   * <h3>Advanced</h3>
   * Grab whatever is in the serial buffer, and stuff it into a
   * byte buffer passed in by the user. This is more memory/time
   * efficient than readBytes() returning a byte[] array.
   * Returns an int for how many bytes were read. If more bytes
   * are available than can fit into the byte array, only those
   * that will fit are read.
   * @param bytebuffer passed in byte array to be altered
  int readBytes(byte bytebuffer[]) {
    synchronized (bufferLock) {
      if (bufferIndex == bufferLast) return 0;

      int length = bufferLast - bufferIndex;
      if (length > bytebuffer.length) length = bytebuffer.length;
      System.arraycopy(buffer, bufferIndex, bytebuffer, 0, length);

      bufferIndex += length;
      if (bufferIndex == bufferLast) {
        bufferIndex = 0;  // rewind
        bufferLast = 0;
      return length;

   * ( begin auto-generated from Client_readBytesUntil.xml )
   * Reads from the port into a buffer of bytes up to and including a 
   * particular character. If the character isn't in the buffer, 'null' is 
   * returned. The version with no <b>byteBuffer</b> parameter returns a byte 
   * array of all data up to and including the <b>interesting</b> byte. This 
   * is not efficient, but is easy to use. The version with the 
   * <b>byteBuffer</b> parameter is more memory and time efficient. It grabs 
   * the data in the buffer and puts it into the byte array passed in and 
   * returns an int value for the number of bytes read. If the byte buffer is 
   * not large enough, -1 is returned and an error is printed to the message 
   * area. If nothing is in the buffer, 0 is returned.
   * ( end auto-generated )
   * @webref client:client
   * @usage application
   * @brief Reads from the buffer of bytes up to and including a particular character
   * @param interesting character designated to mark the end of the data
  byte[] readBytesUntil(int interesting) {
    byte what = (byte)interesting;

    synchronized (bufferLock) {
      if (bufferIndex == bufferLast) return null;

      int found = -1;
      for (int k = bufferIndex; k < bufferLast; k++) {
        if (buffer[k] == what) {
          found = k;
      if (found == -1) return null;

      int length = found - bufferIndex + 1;
      byte outgoing[] = new byte[length];
      System.arraycopy(buffer, bufferIndex, outgoing, 0, length);

      bufferIndex += length;
      if (bufferIndex == bufferLast) {
        bufferIndex = 0; // rewind
        bufferLast = 0;
      return outgoing;

   * <h3>Advanced</h3>
   * Reads from the serial port into a buffer of bytes until a
   * particular character. If the character isn't in the serial
   * buffer, then 'null' is returned.
   * If outgoing[] is not big enough, then -1 is returned,
   *   and an error message is printed on the console.
   * If nothing is in the buffer, zero is returned.
   * If 'interesting' byte is not in the buffer, then 0 is returned.
   * @param byteBuffer passed in byte array to be altered
  int readBytesUntil(int interesting, byte byteBuffer[]) {
    byte what = (byte)interesting;

    synchronized (bufferLock) {
      if (bufferIndex == bufferLast) return 0;

      int found = -1;
      for (int k = bufferIndex; k < bufferLast; k++) {
        if (buffer[k] == what) {
          found = k;
      if (found == -1) return 0;

      int length = found - bufferIndex + 1;
      if (length > byteBuffer.length) {
        System.err.println("readBytesUntil() byte buffer is" +
                           " too small for the " + length +
                           " bytes up to and including char " + interesting);
        return -1;
      //byte outgoing[] = new byte[length];
      System.arraycopy(buffer, bufferIndex, byteBuffer, 0, length);

      bufferIndex += length;
      if (bufferIndex == bufferLast) {
        bufferIndex = 0;  // rewind
        bufferLast = 0;
      return length;

   * ( begin auto-generated from Client_readString.xml )
   * Returns the all the data from the buffer as a String. This method 
   * assumes the incoming characters are ASCII. If you want to transfer 
   * Unicode data, first convert the String to a byte stream in the 
   * representation of your choice (i.e. UTF8 or two-byte Unicode data), and 
   * send it as a byte array.
   * ( end auto-generated )
   * @webref client:client
   * @usage application
   * @brief Returns the buffer as a String
  String readString() {
    byte b[] = readBytes();
    if (b == null) return null;
    return new String(b);

   * ( begin auto-generated from Client_readStringUntil.xml )
   * Combination of <b>readBytesUntil()</b> and <b>readString()</b>. Returns 
   * <b>null</b> if it doesn't find what you're looking for.
   * ( end auto-generated )
   * <h3>Advanced</h3>
   * <p/>
   * If you want to move Unicode data, you can first convert the
   * String to a byte stream in the representation of your choice
   * (i.e. UTF8 or two-byte Unicode data), and send it as a byte array.
   * @webref client:client
   * @usage application
   * @brief Returns the buffer as a String up to and including a particular character
   * @param interesting character designated to mark the end of the data
  String readStringUntil(int interesting) {
    byte b[] = readBytesUntil(interesting);
    if (b == null) return null;
    return new String(b);

   * ( begin auto-generated from Client_write.xml )
   * Writes data to a server specified when constructing the client.
   * ( end auto-generated )
   * @webref client:client
   * @usage application
   * @brief    Writes bytes, chars, ints, bytes[], Strings
   * @param data data to write
  void write(int data) {  // will also cover char
    try {
      output.write(data & 0xff);  // for good measure do the &
      output.flush();   // hmm, not sure if a good idea

    } catch (Exception e) { // null pointer or serial port dead
      //errorMessage("write", e);

  void write(byte data[]) {
    try {
      output.flush();   // hmm, not sure if a good idea

    } catch (Exception e) { // null pointer or serial port dead
      //errorMessage("write", e);

   * <h3>Advanced</h3>
   * Write a String to the output. Note that this doesn't account
   * for Unicode (two bytes per char), nor will it send UTF8
   * characters.. It assumes that you mean to send a byte buffer
   * (most often the case for networking and serial i/o) and
   * will only use the bottom 8 bits of each char in the string.
   * (Meaning that internally it uses String.getBytes)
   * If you want to move Unicode data, you can first convert the
   * String to a byte stream in the representation of your choice
   * (i.e. UTF8 or two-byte Unicode data), and send it as a byte array.
  void write(String data) {

   * Handle disconnect due to an Exception being thrown.
    protected void disconnect(Exception e) {
    if (e != null) {

   * General error reporting, all corralled here just in case
   * I think of something slightly more intelligent to do.
  //void errorMessage(String where, Exception e) {
  //parent.die("Error inside Client." + where + "()", e);

hi! welcome and glad you figured out the solution by yourself.

If you have spare time, do you mind submitting an issue on github? This will help others to find the solution and fix the library.

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Thank you very much for this idea. I had a similar problem with ANDROID and this has solved it.

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