Adding collisions and a scoreboard

Hey for a school project I am making a little game where you control a spaceship with your mouse and you have to go between the walls. If you hit one of the walls you fail. (It is like a flappy bird game)
But the problem is that I cannot find how to put a scoreboard and I am also struggling with making a collision detector on the walls that are moving.

Here is my code:

PImage arriereplan;
PImage oiseau;
PImage comete;
PImage depart;

PFont dream;
PFont BebasNeue;

int gamestate = 1;
int score = 0;
int highScore =0;
int x= -200, y;
int[] wx= new int[2];
int[] wy= new int[2];

void setup() {
  oiseau = loadImage("Sans titre-1.png");
  arriereplan = loadImage("28592983256_79fcee4451_b.jpg");
  depart = loadImage("depart.jpg");
  comete = loadImage("Sans titre-3.jpg");
  dream = createFont("Dream MMA.ttf",50);
  BebasNeue = createFont("Dream MMA.ttf",50);

void draw() { //runs 60 times a second
  if(gamestate == 0) {
    text("Space Rocket" , width/2, height/2);
    image(arriereplan, 0, 0);
    image(oiseau, width/2, y);
    x = mouseX;
    y = mouseY;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < 2; i++) {
      image(comete, wx[i], wy[i] - (comete.height/2+75));
      image(comete, wx[i], wy[i] + (comete.height/2+75));
      if(wx[i] < 0) {
        wy[i] = (int)random(50,height-50);
        wx[i] = 852;
      wx[i] -= 5;
      if(wx[i] == 0) highScore = max(++score, highScore);
      if(y>height||y<0||(abs(width/2-wx[i])<25 && abs(y-wy[i])>100)) gamestate=1;
        text(""+score, 780, 460);

  else {
    image(depart, width/2,height/2);
    text("space rocket", 160, 190);
    text("play", 160, 270);
    text("high score: "+highScore, 350, 270); //display the score
    rect(145, 230, 170, 55);
void mousePressed() {
  if(gamestate==1) {
    wx[0] = 600;
    wy[0] = y = height/2;
    wx[1] = 900;
    wy[1] = 600;
    x = gamestate = 0;
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Hello and welcome to the forum!

Nice to have you here!

For collision you can check whether the y pos of the bird is > than the upper side of the wall and < its lower side

Also the x must be near the wall x - 10 or so

So it’s if(birdX>…


(You have this already I see)

You can have a lives counter or so and set your gameState to 1

In draw() add

else if (gameState==1) {

//Show a score screen 

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