Hello Everyone,
I’d like to perfect/enhance my ability to access data from two different USB devices. My code works fine, and I’m able to grab data from both devices, but I know it’s a novice approach.
Is there a method to incorporate a second serialEvent() and have two separate data strings?
I’m not able to get it working. Attempt shown below.
Processing 3.3
Win 7 and Win 10
Arudino MEGA 2560
GlobalSat GPS BU-353S4
Thank you for any tips!
import processing.serial.*;
Serial arduPort;
Serial gpsPort;
int lf = 10;
float voltage, lat, lon, gpsSpeed, gpsHeading, gpsAltitude;
String inString, inString2;
void setup() {
arduPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 115200); // COM10
gpsPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 4800); // COM11
void draw() {
String[] gpsData = split(inString, ',');
float[] arduData = float(split(inString2,','));
String block = gpsData[0];
String str1 = "$GPGGA", str2 = "$GPRMC";
if (str1.equals(block) == true) {
float[] gpsData2 = float(split(inString, ','));
gpsAltitude = gpsData2[7];
else if (str2.equals(block) == true) {
float[] gpsData2 = float(split(inString, ','));
lat = gpsData2[3];
lon = gpsData2[5];
gpsSpeed = gpsData2[7];
gpsHeading = gpsData2[8];
else {
float[] adruData = float(split(inString2, ','));
if(arduData[0] > 0){
voltage = arduData[0];
gpsSpeed = arduData[1];
gpsHeading = arduData[2];
text("GPS Data 0 Header: " + gpsData[0], 500, 325); //as a float (see float(split)
text("GPS Data 2 Lat: " + lat, 500, 385);
text("GPS Data 3 Lon: " + lon, 500, 405);
text("GPS Data 1 Spd: " + gpsSpeed, 500, 460); //as a float (see float(split)
text("GPS Data 7 Alt: " + gpsAltitude, 500, 495);
text("GPS Data 6 HDG: " + gpsHeading, 500, 530);
text("Volts A0: " + voltage, 100, 530);
} //end Draw function
void serialEvent(Serial p) {
inString = p.readString();
void serialEvent2(Serial p2) {
inString2 = p2.readString();