Hey everyone, so I was editing my code and I believe when I added the translate function in my function draw, it somehow prevented my text and other contexts of my sketch to resize when I would resize my browser. Not sure what has happened here.
Would really appreciate if someone could have a look to see my mistake
function setup() {
createCanvas (windowWidth, windowHeight);
background (255);
//colorMode (HSB, 255);
mode =0; // initially before the artwork animation has begun
function draw (){
translate (width/2, height/2);
if (mode==0) {
img.resize (155, 43);
image (img, windowWidth/2 -885, windowHeight/2 - 541);
fill (0);
textAlign (CENTER);
textSize (50);
textFont ("Futura");
text ('N O T I F Y', windowWidth/2 -720, windowHeight/2 -500);
text ('M Y', windowWidth/2 - 710, windowHeight/2 -400);
text ('A', windowWidth/2 -1000, windowHeight/2 -290); //windowWidth - 730, windowHeight - 300);
text ('D', windowWidth/2 -930, windowHeight/2 -320);
text ('D', windowWidth/2 -860, windowHeight/2 -340);
text ('!', windowWidth/2 -790, windowHeight/2 -280);
text ('C', windowWidth/2 -720, windowHeight/2 -320);
text ('T', windowWidth/2 -650, windowHeight/2 -290);
text ('!', windowWidth/2 -580, windowHeight/2 -270);
text ('O', windowWidth/2 -510, windowHeight/2 -300);
text ('N', windowWidth/2 -440, windowHeight/2 -310);
text ('.', windowWidth/2 -370, windowHeight/2 -310);
text ('.', windowWidth/2 -300, windowHeight/2 -310);
text ('.', windowWidth/2 -220, windowHeight/2 -310);
textSize (15);
text ('This is an interactive generative artwork based off the data notification that Alice Yu received within a week. Move the sliders around to see what happens! Just have fun with it!',windowWidth/2 -800 ,windowHeight/2 -500, 525, 100);
text ('Press ENTER to Begin', windowWidth/2 - 810, windowHeight/2 -550);
noFill ();
strokeWeight (1);
stroke (0);
rect (windowWidth/2 -886, windowHeight/2 -539, 155, 40, 50);
noLoop ();
function windowResized () {
resizeCanvas (windowWidth, windowHeight);