Why is my line not smoother?

Hello @Gus_Fermin,

I use the Processing Development Environment (PDE) for most of my work.
It is simple and does what I need it to do and I often share work with others and easy to demo.

I keep my tabs portable and reusable by keeping related imports, declarations, comments etc. in the tab (often commented) for reference later.
Be sure to add some versioning with comments to keep track of these.

It all gets resorted when generating the Java files in the end.

I have managed to get up and running with all of these as a challenge but have not stuck with any one for long. I do enjoy a good challenge!
VS Code is showing some promise and will explore further as time permits.

VS Code can be used directly for Processing sketches:

Debugging was limited and I could not click on a method and link to a reference.

VS Code can be used with Java code and importing Processing as done here:

Experience has helped me navigate through each one of these.
It can be a challenge and daunting for a new user.

It has been on my to do list to better manage my code and in the same boat (predicament?) as you.

My first effort with Eclipse was not so smooth and there was a steep learning curve and I prevailed.
There was an Eclipse tutorial on the Processing website at the time but no longer.
This may give some insight:

Once I got up and running it was easier with another development environment.

This would be worthy as a separate topic and others with more experience may have insights.

Have fun!
