Why is a frameRate fucntion in setup slower than draw?

I wrote a code that moves sphere in 3d.

int s=100,m=5;//s is the size of the sphere, m is the position change.
void setup()
  noFill();//draw circle with only a stroke
void draw()
  translate(width/2+m++,height/2+m++,-100);//The position of the circle moves to lower right.
  frameRate(10);//this is what i want to ask.

The code runs fine, and this sphere moves smoothly.
But when I put frameRate in setup, like this code,

``` int s=100,m=5;//s is the size of the sphere, m is the position change. void setup() { size(500,500,P3D); noFill();//draw circle with only a stroke frameRate(10);//why does the sphere moves slowly? } void draw() { background(128); translate(width/2+m++,height/2+m++,-100);//The position of the circle moves to lower right. sphere(s++);//perspective } ``` It moves slower than frameRate in draw. Setup function execute frameRate once, but frameRate in setup is more slow. Why does this sphere move slower?