Where can I find rules for different cellular automata?


This site mentions list of various cellular automata. But no description further of the rules. Any reference as to where I can find the rules?

Why should you get the answer here, for a completely other thematic? There is an discussion site, probably for these things. Anyway, if you want further information, see here or here. The last one was a simple google search.

The Rulestring column on the page you listed contains all the information you need.

B (for birth) is a list of all the numbers of live neighbors that cause a dead cell to come alive (be born); S (for survival) is a list of all the numbers of live neighbors that cause a live cell to remain alive (survive).

For example B3678/S235678 means an empty cell surrounded by either 3, 6, 7 or 8 neighbors would become live and would need to be surrounded by 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 or 8 neighbors to stay alive.

Yes sorry.my mistake. It is not processing related question. Thanks anyways.