It creates a PGraphics object (so I made p5.Graphics), and copies 16 squares from it onto the screen.
I noticed that in my browser this runs incredibly slow, about 2 fps, see my sketch here:
I’ve recreated it in Processing, and there it runs nearly 60fps.
I want to keep on using p5, but for some projects I’m clearly better off with Processing. Are there some guides on how I can predict if a browser can handle my project, or if I should stick to Processing? And are there ways to speed up my browser sketch?
Processing runs on you PC as an application layer on top of java, java is a compiled language. P5 is written in JavaScript which is an interpreted language. Compiled languages are always gonna faster than interpreted language.
I understand those differences, and generally speaking that is correct. However, I am sure there are certain operations which are particularly heavy on p5, such as the one I found in my example from the first post.
Would you perhaps know of a list/guideline on which kinds of functions/computations to do in processing, rather than p5?
I don’t know about general guidelines that cover when to pick Processing over p5.js. But there’s an article that covers optimizing p5.js code for performance. I used the Automated Profiling approach described there to find the culprit in your sketch: it’s the copy() call that causes the slowdown.
You could use the canvas API directly instead and probably get a performance increase.