Wall isn't working

float spieler_x;
float spieler_y;
float ball_x;
float ball_y;
float ball_speed_x;
float ball_speed_y;
int runde;

void setup(){
  spieler_x = 20;
  spieler_y = 20;
  //**Ball starting position**
  ball_x = 500;
  ball_y = 350;
  ball_speed_x = -4;
  ball_speed_y = 0;
  size(1000, 780);

void draw(){
  rect(spieler_x, spieler_y, 25, 160);
  rect(ball_x, ball_y, 10, 10); 
  if(spieler_y < 720) {
    if(keyCode == DOWN) {
      spieler_y = spieler_y + 5; } }
  if(keyCode == UP){
    if(spieler_y > 80) {
      spieler_y = spieler_y - 5; } } 
  ball_x = ball_x + ball_speed_x;
  ball_y = ball_y + ball_speed_y;
  //**When the ball hits the platform**
  if(ball_x < 40) {
    if(ball_y < (spieler_y + 80) && ball_y > (spieler_y -80)) {
      ball_speed_x = (-ball_speed_x) + 1;
      ball_speed_y = ball_speed_y - (spieler_y - ball_y) * 0.05;
  } else {
     ball_x = 500;
     ball_y = 350;
     ball_speed_x = -4;
     ball_speed_y = 0;
     runde = 0;
     // **These should be the walls**
     if(ball_y > 760 || ball_y < 20) { 
       ball_speed_y = -ball_speed_y;
     if(ball_x > 980) {
       ball_speed_x *= -ball_speed_x;
 text("runde: " + runde, 1300, 20); }

So i am trying to make a pong game and this is the code. The the thing is that the walls on the outside aren’t working and i don’t know why.

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this looks ok

this looks wrong.

Can you spot the error?

(Additionally in the 2nd if-clause ball_x < 20 is missing)

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if(ball_y > 760 || ball_y < 20) {
ball_speed_y = -ball_speed_y;
if(ball_x > 980) {
ball_speed_x = -ball_speed_x;

it looks like this now and still isn’t working. And you said the Y-axis is right but this doesn’t work either.

yeah, these lines are ok now

but please check where the if-clauses are closed } in your code…

  if (ball_x < 40) {
    if (ball_y < (spieler_y + 80) && ball_y > (spieler_y -80)) {

Is that correct?

Wo befinden sich die schließenden Klammern } für beide ifs?


Ah yes the brackets were the Problem thx :slight_smile:

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