Video help please - no content type found for .webm

I am writing an interactive video animation with a series of video clips in .webm format. It runs correctly but the console log shows the error: no content type found for .webm. I have tried looking at MIME types but have no idea how to implement them with the p5js and the p5.dom library.

Any help would be appreciate.

createCanvas(720, 740);
// specify multiple formats for different browsers
video1 = createVideo(‘data/1forw.webm’);
video1rev = createVideo(‘data/1revs.webm’);

video2 = createVideo(‘data/2forw.webm’);
video2rev = createVideo(‘data/2revs.webm’);

video1.hide(); // by default video shows up in separate dom
video1rev.hide(); // by default video shows up in separate dom

video2.hide(); // by default video shows up in separate dom
video2rev.hide(); // by default video shows up in separate dom
// element. hide it and draw it to the canvas
// instead


Hello @samthetinkerer,

I tried reproducing this from your code fragment but didn’t get that error. Can you reproduce the error in a project at and share with us? Also: the web browser and version you are using would be helpful.