Video Game using inputs from serial

So I am creating a video game, similar to this

I currently have a button thats an input to my arduino and whenever I push it, it is suppose to add a ball. I was able to figure out how the position (on/off) value of the button to processing. But I cant figure out how to write a code that adds an ellipse to the game. Ive tried if statements and all it does is add a ball but when the button is not pressed the ball goes away.

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You need to use a boolean to set a condition permanently.

Your Code :

//this will only draw the ellipse if/while the Button is pressed/held
if (buttonPressed == true) {
   ellipse(x, y, w, h);

How it‘s supposed to be :

boolean showEllipse = false;

if (buttonPressed) {
   showEllipse = true;

if (showEllipse) {
   ellipse(x, y, w, h);

As for adding ellipses, you can do that with a for loop, where the condition is < numberOfBalls, which will be increased each time you want to add a ball.

Inside of this for loop you‘ll have to draw each ellipse.

You might also want to have an array for the position/extent of your ellipses.

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