User Input from KeyBoard

I am trying to write a code that will return a string as a result of the user pressing 1, 2, or 3 on their keyboard. This is what I have so far but when i press keys nothing happens. What is wrong with my code?

String choice;
boolean pressed = false;

void setup ()
  size (2000, 2000);
  fill (0);

void getTable()
  choice = getChoice();

void keyPressed()
    if (key==1)
    choice = "car_status_BMW_323i.csv";
    if (key==2)
    choice = "car_status_Truck_F150.csv";
    if (key==3);
    choice = "exit";
    pressed = true;

String getChoice()
    text("make choice 1, 2, 3", 1000, 1000);
  }while (pressed == false);
  return choice;

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Sounds like you need to do some debugging. Print out the value of key to understand how its value works. You also might want to consult the reference.

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