Use random() in static method

I have a static method where I would like to use the random function, however, I get the error

Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method random(float) from the type PApplet

I’ve tried to google for the error but kept finding stuff that was related to calling your own methods, rather than the built-in methods.

How can I get random numbers in processing from a static method?

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You can directly call Java’s own random():

Or you can create static wrapper functions which forward call PApplet’s methods:

static final float random(final PApplet p, final float high) {
  return p.random(high);

static final float random(final PApplet p, final float low, final float high) {
  return p.random(low, high);

But as you can see above, we have to pass the sketch’s PApplet reference for such wrapper approach.

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