Use of for-loop to create a stair of ellipses

Hello, @yoyo, and welcome to Processing Foundation Discourse!

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Following is your code as text, formatted for posting, and with the names the variables i and j changed to x and y, respectively:

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  for (let x = 0; x <= 20; x++) {
    for (let y = 0; y <= x; y++) {
      circle((x + 0.5) * 20, (y + 0.5) * 20, 20);

function draw() {

Examining the code, including the ranges of the values of the loop variables and the size of the canvas, do you think some circles are being drawn that are outside the canvas? How can you find out?

To figure out how to draw the staircase as you would like it, consider how the values of x in the outer loop should be used to control the range of values of y in the inner loop. Consider what values of y are needed when x is 5 or 15, for example. How can you modify the code to make that happen? Think about the inner loop.

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