Unable to update pixels from text file containing pixel locations

Hi all,
I wrote a program in Processing which writes the 1D coordinates of black pixels in an image to a text file.

I wrote a second program which should read the text file and recreate the black pixels on a white image to verify the functionality of script #1

The problem is that the second program which should recreate the black pixels on a white image is not doing so.

For the first script, The user opens the gui, hits 2 to open the file browser, then loads a file. The code resizes the file and changes it to black and white. The code then scans for black pixels and writes the black pixel coordinates to a text file with one coordinate per line.

The second script should simply recreate the original image by adding black pixels in those coordinates to a white image. This is to verify the functionality of script #1.

Here’s the code for script #1:

boolean stopt = false;
boolean writin = false;
PrintWriter output;
PImage input;
int limiter = 0;
void setup() {
  size(350, 500);
// Create a new file in the sketch directory
 output = createWriter("DIRECTIONS.TXT");
void draw(){
  background(0, 25, 51);
  //show processed image here.
  text("Click and type '1' to stop", 10, 440);
   text("Click and type '2' to convert image to command file", 10, 460);
    text("Copy DIRECTIONS.TXT to the printer's memory card after", 10, 480);
    if (stopt) {
      writin = false;
       text("finished or stopped.", 10, 420);
    if (!stopt) {
      text("                          ", 10, 420);
    if (writin) {
      stopt = false;
      text("translating image to printer commands", 10, 420);
    if (!writin) {
      text("                          ", 10, 420);
  if(input!= null){
    input.resize(300, 300);
    input.filter(THRESHOLD, 0.5);
    image(input, 10, 10, 330, 330);

  //Loop through each pixel (use image size instead of pixels.length!)
  if (limiter <= 90000) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++ ) {
  for (int y = 0; y < height; y++ ) { 
    color black = color(0, 0, 0);
    color c = get(x, y);
    if (c == black) {
    int loc = x + y * width;
     writin = true;
limiter = limiter + 1;

  else if (limiter > 90000) {
    stopt = true;

void imageSelected(File selection) {
  if (selection == null) {
    println("Window was closed or the user hit cancel.");
  } else {
    input = loadImage (selection.getAbsolutePath());
void keyPressed() {
  if (key == '1') {
  output.flush(); // Writes the remaining data to the file
  output.close(); // Finishes the file
  stopt = true;
  //exit(); // Stops the program
if (key == '2') {
  selectInput("Select an image to process", "imageSelected");

And here’s the code for script 2:

PImage input;
int tex = 0;
void setup() {
  input = loadImage("white.png"); //mostly blank image in sketch folder 300 x 300 px.
  size (300, 300);
void draw() {
  String[] lines = loadStrings("direct.TXT"); //text file with each line being a 1D pixel coordinate in linear order.
  for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
    tex = Integer.parseInt(lines[i]);
    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++ ) {
      for (int y = 0; y < height; y++ ) { 
        color black = color(0, 0, 0);
        //color c = get(x, y);
        int loc = x + y * width; 
        if (loc == tex) {
          pixels[loc] = black;