Two questions on for loops and randomize translate

The first question is regarding this simple for loop on translate, What I am trying to achieve is to have a line appear in random places in the canvas with translate, but when I do a for loop, I get a constant line at the same coordinate on x and y. How can I fix that?

Second question is, if I want only 20 lines to appear, how do I achieve this?

I tried with a if Loop but i don’t got the proper syntax or order.

void setup(){

void draw(){

  for (float i=0; i < width ; i = i + (random(width))) {
    for (float j=0 ; j < height ; j = j + (random(height))) {
      translate(i, j);

Best regards!

Welcome to the forum.

First line is always drawn to 30,30,30,60 because loops always start with same values i=0, j=0. Translate changes the place of coordinate system and line is always 30 pixels down. I would just use random values for start and end point of the line. Like this

void setup(){

void draw() {
  for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    float x = random(width);
    float y =  random(height);
    line(x, y, x + random(60) - 30, y + random(60) -30);
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@SomeOne 's approach is better but translate effects line as well.

Works better with pushMatrix / popMatrix though

  • (problem is we add big values to i and j and soon leave the screen with the position i,j…)

void setup() {
  size(500, 500);

void draw() {
  for (float i=0; i < width; i = i + (random(width))) {
    for (float j=0; j < height; j = j + (random(height))) {
      translate(i, j);
      line(30, 30, 30, 60);
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I enjoyed the visual effect from your original code.

Small tweak:

void setup()
  size(500, 500);

void draw()
  for (float i=0; i < width ; i = i + (random(width))) 
    for (float j=0 ; j < height ; j = j + (random(height))) 
      if (j>0 && i>0)
        translate(i, j);
        stroke(random(0, 255));
        line(0,30, 0,60);


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Thank you very much!
Of course, so because there’s a line with the same coordinates it will always appear. Although I would like to have the same line’s properties appear everywhere.

I was just looking at the push and pop Matrix functions and try to wrap my head around, so basically they are like a “save state” of my drawing and moves on it’s own coordinate system? Like, for example, grouping lines in illustrator or blocks in autoCAD?

Glad you enjoyed it!
I’m trying to replicate a plant that grows on a mountain that I saw near where I live. So I thought of maybe having a shape and just randomly scatter it around.
The tweak you made looks like raining!
It’s a cool vibe!

Using the logic proposed by @SomeOne

and @Chrisir

I mixed all the codes and added another if loop to determine the amount of lines instead of they going randomly to infinity.
But I don’t know why it works. The For loops say START TRANSLATING, so they are repositioning my Lines everytime i and j are < the canvas size, so that means that they will always appear on the canvas limit. The if function is saying that if j and i are above 0 then translate and lines and stop if x is above 30 lines drawn…
I kinda…get it…but still don’t comprehend it. lol

int x =0; //amount of lines. 

void setup()
  size(500, 500);

void draw()
  for (float i=0; i < width ; i = i + (random(width))) 
    for (float j=0 ; j < height ; j = j + (random(height))) 
      if (j > 0 && i > 0)
          if (x < 30)  //amount of lines 
        translate(i, j);
        stroke(random(0, 255));
        line(0,0, 0,60);
  • pushMatrix saves the coordinate system. translate changes it. popMatrix restores the coordinate system.

@SomeOne 's approach is WAY better than mine.
he just makes new random positions instead of adding them to variable (which brings you off the screen fast)

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I like images your code creates. They are simple, but pleasing. I did couple of modifications to the code just for fun and curiosity.

  • There is no need to set I & j to zero at start of the for loops, it’s just the most common case. So I changed those values to start with a random number in range of 10-100.
  • angle is a value from 0 to 2*PI or 0 to 360 degrees. rotate() is like translate(), but it rotates coordinate system and direction of drawn things.
  • noLoop()-function tells processing not to call draw() function anymore. It can be restarted with loop()-function. In this case it would be neater to move all code to setup()-function, because there is no need to loop again and again the draw()-function.
int x = 0; //amount of lines. 

void setup()
  size(500, 500);

void draw()
  for (float i=(random(10)+1)*10; i < width ; i = i + (random(width))) 
    for (float j=(random(10)+1)*10 ; j < height ; j = j + (random(height))) 
        if (x < 30)  //amount of lines 
          float angle = random(TAU);
          translate(i, j);
          stroke(random(0, 255));
          line(0,0, 0,60);
        } else {
          noLoop();  //Stops running of draw()-function
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oooh, I see.

Thanks for the good comments to all, I’m getting it now. I 'm glad y’all like it, I wanted to see if I could take a picture of the mountain but a friend just took a picture of it, here is his instagram, check picture no. 3 @soint on Instagram


Oh! yeah, I see it’s easier to grasp!

yes! be my guest, your explanations are amazing too, thank you!

This is something that always bugged me, like always initialize from 0 but never thought of changing it.

Thank you all!

Best regards!

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