Turn on/off Android Phone Flashlight

I have a simple problem:
I want a simple sketch to turn on/off the flashlight on my phone.
it would be nice, if it stays on, even if I turn off the screen of my phone.

Hi. Check this code if it works for you. Do not forget to give CAMERA permission.
If I remember well @akenaton pointed out that above Lollipop you have to ask for permission at runtime. I will look into that tomorrow, or maybe he himself can provide the code to add.

I ran the code on my Android 6 Samsung Galaxy S5 mini and it ran fine.
Then I tried it on my Sony XA2 with Android 9 and it doesn’t work.
So I added different colors for flashlight on/off(works fine on Android 6 as well) and it shows me the fitting colors on Android 9 but still no light.
Has anyone got any ideas on how to fix this?

PS: Camera permission is given in both cases.

@Bobby54 === how have you asked for permissions?

Not in the sketch code but in the drop down menu I ticked Camera and the file which is created for every android sketch(manifest I believe) also said <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"(hope the spelling and syntax is correct, don’t have the code currently but it is definitely the right one).
Also I gave the sketch Camera permission after installing it on my phone.

I now tried it by adding:

The console logs that the sketch has camera permission image but the flashlight still doesn’t turn on.

Unfortunately I can only test up to Lollipop, so it make no sence for me posting code.
You’ll have to wait for @akenaton.
Did you try these codes?

No not yet but I will, thanks.

I tried the original code on android 8.1, but it doesn’t work
the preview (i tried installing as app too) instantly crashes when trying to open
i gave the permission to camera and flashlight in the APDE sketch properties menu

Ha, turns out Camera is deprecated since Android 5 which means that I probably only got lucky with Camera working on Android 6 because it wasn’t completely disabled yet.

However there is a package named camera2 (see here: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/camera2/package-summary).
In this package there is a class CameraManager.TorchCallback(see here: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/camera2/CameraManager.TorchCallback) with the function setTorchMode(String camerID, boolean enabled) to control if the camera flashlight is enabled (then ´enabled = true´) or if the flashlight is turned off and available to be turned back on
(enabled = false).

Addition: You can get the CameraId which is required by setTorchMode() by using the CameraCharacteristics class which is also included in the package.

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The permission worked as you described above?

Haven’t done it yet but found this in the mean time:

According to this you only need to give the Camera permission in the Manifest file which can be done by typing it in the manifest manually or by ticking the Camera permission in Processing.