Trouble on array's [COMPLICATED]

First, we want to correct this issue:

I told you what to do. Does your println() come out now?

Second, we want to color the column. I have given you code for this to. Do you know where it belongs into your code?

The i comes from the for-loop.

I think you can figure this out now.

i think one problem might be if
you want the column select circles
and the row select circles
as 2 independent option groups ( only one of them can be selected )
also should be possible to UNSELECT them too.

here independent from the rect array / palette select i made in your last post:

a new circle class what knows its own array and can do the option group internally.

int xC = 60, yC = 80, dC = 15;
int off=20, w = 23, rows = 12, cols = 8;
int selR,selC;

Circle[] row = new Circle[rows];
Circle[] col = new Circle[cols];

void setRow() {
  for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++)
    row[i] = new Circle(xC, yC+i*w, dC, i,row);

void setCol() {
  for (int i = 0; i < col.length; i++)
    col[i] = new Circle(off+xC+i*w, yC-off, dC, i,col);

void drawRow() {
  for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++)

void drawCol() {
  for (int i = 0; i < col.length; i++)

class Circle {
  float xC, yC, dC;
  boolean sel=false;
  int idx;
  Circle[] me;
  Circle(float _xC, float _yC, float _dC, int _idx, Circle[] _me) {
    xC = _xC;
    yC = _yC;
    dC = _dC;
    idx = _idx;
    me = _me;

  void display() {
    stroke(200, 200, 200);
    if (over()) {
      stroke(200, 0, 0);
    if ( sel ) fill(200, 0, 0);
    else       fill(0);
    circle(xC, yC, dC);

  boolean over() {
    return( dist(mouseX, mouseY, xC, yC) < dC/2 );

  void sel() {
    if (over() && !sel ) {
      if (mousePressed && mouseButton == LEFT) {
        for ( int i =0; i < me.length;i++ ) if ( i != idx ) me[i].sel=false; // option group reset all others of my group
        println("sel: "+idx);
    if (over() && sel ) {
      if (mousePressed && mouseButton == RIGHT) {
        println("UNsel: "+idx);

void check_RC() {
  selR = -1;
  for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++) if ( row[i].sel ) selR = i;
  selC = -1;
  for (int i = 0; i < col.length; i++) if ( col[i].sel ) selC = i;

//_______________________________________main selector tool
void setup() {
  size(500, 500);
  println("use: mouse click LEFT select RIGHT unselect\nkey [t] for print");

void draw() {
  check_RC(); // check row and col array and set globals 

void keyPressed() {
  if ( key == 't' ) println("sel: row "+selR+", col "+selC);

@kll: thanks for interrupting

why do you post a full code when I am trying to lead him there?

Your order of code is off. The correct way is

  • vars, then setup and draw, functions, classes


no problem you can repair it and talk him through / or make steps,

what i needed to mention was that option group thing,
( as a optional problem )
so first OP must define the real operation function of that
two circle buttons rows
can / must there one col and one row be selected?
can there be more selected?
depending on that my idea can be ignored.


for ( int i =0; i < me.length;i++ ) if ( i != idx ) me[i].sel=false;

will work, but how it can be teached?

I appreciate this.

Thank you!


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Thank you all. This was very helpful. I think I’m starting to understand it all. I very much enjoyed being lead through this by you. Thank you Chrisir and kll for your guidance.

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But did you solve it?

Do both row of circles mark the entire row or column respectively?

Shall I post my way?

I have it almost solved but I believe my understanding of it due to yours and kll’s explanation I believe I can figure the rest out on my own. Thank you though. If I do run into any other problems I’ll be sure to let you know!