Hello! I any currently working on a grid of gradients. Each gradient is a shape. I want to tie the right and left mouse clicks to expand or contract the width of the object the mouse is hovering over. I also want the row of gradients to adjust accordingly so they are aware of each others size and do not overlap. I am slowly figuring this out. I have all the objects moving together with the mouse click. I’m a bit lost as I think I will have to rearrange this code to manipulate a single object but I’m not sure how to dismantle and reassemble this code. Any hints would help! Thanks!
class GradUnit {
color color1;
color color2;
float x, y;
float gradHeight;
float gradWidth;
GradUnit(float xpos, float ypos, float w, float h, color c1, color c2) {
color1 = c1;
color2 = c2 ;
x = xpos;
y = ypos;
gradHeight = h;
gradWidth = w;
void display() {
vertex(x, y);
vertex(x, y+gradHeight);
vertex(x-(gradWidth/2), y+gradHeight);
vertex(x-gradWidth, y+gradHeight);
vertex(x-gradWidth, y);
vertex(x-(gradWidth/2), y);
GradUnit grid;
int weaveDivision = 10;
int stepLayer = 10;
float maxDistance;
float mouseDist;
float gradWidth;
float zoom = (914)/(weaveDivision-1);
float colTran;
color c1;
color c2;
final static float inc = 0.01;
void setup() {
size(914, 600, P2D);
maxDistance = dist(0, 0, width, height);
void draw() {
grid = new GradUnit[weaveDivision][stepLayer];
for (int i = 0; i < weaveDivision; i+=1) {
for (int j = 0; j < stepLayer; j+=1) {
float layerHeight = height/stepLayer;
float h = layerHeight;
float w = width/(weaveDivision-1);
color blue = color(0, 0, 255, colTran);
color black = color(0, 0, 0, 0);
c1 = blue;
c2 = black;
float x = i * w;
float y = j * h;
float mouseDist = dist(mouseX, mouseY, x, y);
float diameter = (mouseDist / maxDistance)*250;
w = zoom;
if ((j)%2==0) {
c1 = black;
c2 = blue;
if (mousePressed)
if (mouseButton == LEFT) zoom += inc;
else if (mouseButton == RIGHT) zoom -= inc;
grid[i][j] = new GradUnit(x, y, w, h, c1, c2);
if (i>0) {
(grid[i][j].x) = grid[i][j].gradWidth + (grid[i-1][j].x);
if (i>0) {