Timer help part 2 because I'm processingly challenged

i am trying to make a hot and cold game and have the circles that say if I’m cold or not appear when i click and i have all of that completed, but i want them to disappear 2 seconds or 120 frames after i have clicked every time and have a counter for how many times i have clicked. i was wondering if i could get any help as i am completely stumped and cannot figure it out. the circles will disappear from around my mouse in 1 frame by the looks of it but I want them to last for 120 frames. I also apologize in advance for how horrible my code is and how badly formatted it is as I am very new to coding

final int ballDiam = 30; //diam of the randomly occuring invisible ball
float posX; //decloration of the X position of the random ball 
float posY; //decloration of the Y position of the random ball
final int coldDetector = 400; //diam of the cold circle
final int warmDetector = 250; //diam of the warm circle
final int hotDetector = 100; //diam of the hot circle
final int hotColor = color(255,0,0); //color of the hot circle
final int warmColor = color(255,100,0); //color of the warm circle
final int coldColor = color(0,0,255); //color of the cold circle 

float textWidth = width/2;
float textAscent = 10;
float textDescent =2 ;
boolean mouseClicked = false;
int timer;
int counter;

void setup()
 size(500,500); //size of the program
 posX = random(width); //properties of the random X location
  posY = random(height); //properties of the random Y location
  timer = millis();
//drawn fumctions
void draw()
  background(200); //background color
 //add stroke (stroke(200); when progrm is finished
  ellipse(posX,posY,ballDiam,ballDiam); //random invisible ball meant to be found
  //hot circle
  void mouseClicked() {
  if  (dist(mouseX,mouseY,posX,posY)>300 )
  String F = "You're freezing!";
  else if (dist(mouseX,mouseY,posX,posY)>200)
    else if (dist(mouseX,mouseY,posX,posY)>125)

    else if (dist(mouseX,mouseY,posX,posY)>50) //initial if statement for the hot circle around the mouse 
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12 posts were merged into an existing topic: Creating a frame timer