textAlign(CENTER) seems to move all lines in the window instead of ony one

I am having a problem with trying to center just one line of text. I think I am applying “textAlign(CENTER)” to just one line, but it is also offsetting all the other text in the window. Here is my complete code. Thank you in advance for your help.

import controlP5.*;
ControlP5 cp5;
DropdownList d1;
DropdownList d2;
PFont font, font1, font2, font3;
import processing.serial.*; //import the Serial library
Serial myPort;
PrintWriter output;

String EepromData[];
String val;
String End;
String portName;
String SaveData;
String FileName;
String[] NamePath;
String GetFilePath;
String WriteFileName;

byte LoadFileCheck = 0;
int OnlyName;
int b = 0;
int ItemNr = 22;
int TimerStart = 0;
int serialListIndex;
int EEpromSize_iL7 = 4096;
int EEpromSize_iL8 = 16384;
boolean Restoring = false;
boolean WriteFinished = false;
boolean InvalidEeprom = false;
boolean EditType = false;
boolean EditCom = false;
boolean DataCheck = false;
boolean SerialCheck = true;
boolean DumpActive = false;
boolean RestoreCheck = false;
boolean FileLoadedCheck = false;

void setup() {
  size(250, 250); // Create Window
  cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
  font = createFont("Arial Bold", 20);
  font1 = createFont("Arial Bold", 10);
  font2 = createFont("Arial Bold", 13);
  font3 = createFont("Arial Bold", 12);

  //  output = createWriter("MyTest.txt");
  // frameRate(60);
  End = "END";

  // Add Button
  cp5.addButton("Restore") // "Start" is the name of the Button
    .setPosition(140, 155) // x and y coordinates of upper left corner of Button
    .setSize(80, 20)     // (Width, Height)
    .setColorBackground(color(216, 216, 216))
    .setColorForeground(color(232, 232, 232))
    .setColorActive(color(186, 188, 188))
    .setColorLabel(color(0, 0, 0))

  cp5.addButton("Dump") // "Start" is the name of the Button
    .setPosition(30, 155) // x and y coordinates of upper left corner of Button
    .setSize(80, 20)     // (Width, Height)
    .setColorBackground(color(216, 216, 216))
    .setColorForeground(color(232, 232, 232))
    .setColorActive(color(186, 188, 188))
    .setColorLabel(color(0, 0, 0))

  cp5.addButton("Open") // "Start" is the name of the Button
    .setPosition(178, 102) // x and y coordinates of upper left corner of Button
    .setSize(53, 20)     // (Width, Height)
    .setColorBackground(color(216, 216, 216))
    .setColorForeground(color(232, 232, 232))
    .setColorActive(color(186, 188, 188))
    .setColorLabel(color(0, 0, 0))

  d1 = cp5.addDropdownList("myList-d1")
    .setPosition(178, 76)
    .setSize(53, 16)

    .setColorBackground(color(216, 216, 216))
    .setColorForeground(color(232, 232, 232))
    .setColorActive(color(186, 188, 188))
    .setColorLabel(color(0, 0, 0))
    .setColorValueLabel(color(0, 0, 0))
    .setColorCaptionLabel(color(0, 0, 0))

  //  d1.getCaptionLabel().set("- - - - - -"); //set PORT before anything is selected
  d1.getCaptionLabel().set("COM1"); //set PORT before anything is selected

  portName = Serial.list()[0]; //0 as default
  myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 115200);

  // create a DropdownList,
  d2 = cp5.addDropdownList("myList-d2")
    .setPosition(178, 50)
    .setSize(53, 16)


  customize(d2); // customize the first list

  // myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 115200);
  //EepromData = loadStrings("data/EEprom.txt");
  // EepromData = loadStrings("data/notes.txt");

void customize(DropdownList d2) {
  // a convenience function to customize a DropdownList
  d2.setColorBackground(color(216, 216, 216));
  d2.setColorForeground(color(232, 232, 232));
  d2.setColorActive(color(186, 188, 188));
  d2.setColorLabel(color(0, 0, 0));
  d2.setColorValueLabel(color(0, 0, 0));
  d2.setColorCaptionLabel(color(0, 0, 0));
  d2.getCaptionLabel().set("- - - - - -");

void draw() {

  background(0, 120, 255); // Background Color (r, g, b) or (0 to 255)

  fill(255, 255, 255); // text color (r, g, b)
  text("MANAGE EEPROM", 34, 28); // ("text", x coordinate, y coordinate)

  text("Select iLoopino Version", 18, 62); // ("text", x coordinate, y coordinate)

  // textFont(font1);
  text("Select Serial COM Port", 18, 88); // ("text", x coordinate, y coordinate)

  text("Select File To Restore", 18, 116); // ("text", x coordinate, y coordinate)

  if (WriteFinished) {
    text("Finished", 2, 246);
    if (TimerStart + 5000 < millis()) {
      WriteFinished = false;

  if (InvalidEeprom) {
    text("Invalid EEprom File", 2, 246);
    if (TimerStart + 2000 < millis()) {
      InvalidEeprom = false;

  if ((!SerialCheck) && (DumpActive) && (SaveData != null)) {
    text("Dumping EEprom", 2, 246);

  if (LoadFileCheck == 1) {
    text("Cancelled Opening File.", 2, 246);
    if (TimerStart + 5000 < millis()) {
      LoadFileCheck = 0;
   if (LoadFileCheck == 2) {
    text(FileName, width/2, 246);


  if (d1.isMouseOver()) {
    EditCom = true;
    //  EditType = false;
    d1.clear(); //Delete all the items
    for (int i=0; i<Serial.list().length; i++) {
      d1.addItem(Serial.list()[i], i); //add the items in the list
  } else {
    EditCom = false;

  if (d2.isMouseOver()) {
    EditType = true;
    d2.clear(); //Delete all the items
    d2.addItem("iL 7.x", 0);
    d2.addItem("iL 8.x", 1);
    EditType = true;
    //EditCom = false;
  } else {
    EditType = false;

  if (RestoreCheck) {

    if ((ItemNr < 2) && (!DumpActive)) {
      if ((EepromData[0].equals(val) == true) && (DataCheck) && (FileLoadedCheck)) { // Compare two Strings

        for (int i = 1; i < EepromData.length; i++) {

          //   println(EepromData[i]);

          delay(2); //this will be the tempo?
      } else {

        TimerStart = millis();
        InvalidEeprom = true;
      DataCheck = false;
      RestoreCheck = false;

void serialEvent(Serial myP) {
  if (DumpActive) {
    SaveData = myP.readString();

    SaveData = SaveData.trim();
    if ("END".equals(SaveData)) {
      SerialCheck = true;

    if (!SerialCheck) {
    //   println(SaveData); //read until new input

    SaveData = "";

    if (SerialCheck) {

      output.flush(); // Write the remaining data
      output.close(); // Finish the file
      myPort.clear(); //delete the port

      SerialCheck = false;
      DumpActive = false;

void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) { //when something in the list is selected
  if (EditCom) {
    myPort.clear(); //delete the port
    myPort.stop(); //stop the port
    // if (theEvent.isController() && d1.isMouseOver()) {
    if (theEvent.isController()) {
      portName = Serial.list()[int(theEvent.getController().getValue())]; //port name is set to the selected port in the dropDownMeny
      myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 115200); //Create a new connection
      // println("Serial index set to: " + theEvent.getController().getValue());
  if (EditType) {
    ItemNr = int(theEvent.getController().getValue());
    ItemNr = int(theEvent.getController().getValue());
     // println(ItemNr);
     if (ItemNr == 0) {
     EepromData = loadStrings("data/EEprom_iL7.il7");
     val = "EEprom_iL7";
     if (EepromData.length == EEpromSize_iL7 + 1) {
     DataCheck = true;
     } else if (ItemNr == 1) {
     EepromData = loadStrings("data/EEprom_iL8.il8");
     val = "EEPROM_iL8";
     if (EepromData.length == EEpromSize_iL8 + 1) {
     DataCheck = true;

void Dump() {
  // ItemNr = int(theEvent.getController().getValue());
  if (ItemNr == 0) {
    output = createWriter("EEprom_iL7.il7");
  } else if (ItemNr == 1) {
    output = createWriter("EEprom_iL8.il8");
  DumpActive = true;
  SerialCheck = false;

void Restore() {
  if(FileLoadedCheck) {
  text("Restoring EEprom", 2, 246);
  RestoreCheck = true;
if((ItemNr < 2) && (!DumpActive)) {
   if ((EepromData[0].equals(val) == true) && (DataCheck))  { // Compare two Strings
   for (int i = 1; i < EepromData.length; i++) {
   delay(2); //this will be the tempo?
   //  StartTimer = millis();
   //  WriteFinished = true;
   } else {
   // // println("EEprom Not Valid");
   TimerStart = millis();
   InvalidEeprom = true;
   DataCheck = false;

void Open() {

  if (ItemNr == 0) {
    selectInput ( "Open iLoopino8 Eeprom:", "fileSelected", dataFile( "*.il7" ));
FileLoadedCheck = true;
  else if (ItemNr == 1) {
    selectInput ( "Open iLoopino8 Eeprom:", "fileSelected", dataFile( "*.il8" ));
    FileLoadedCheck = true;
    else {

void fileSelected(File selection) {
if (selection == null) {
 //   text("Cancelled Opening File.", 2, 246);
    LoadFileCheck = 1;
 //   TimerStart = millis();
 //   println("Cancelled.");

  else {
    LoadFileCheck = 2;
//  }

  EepromData = (loadStrings(selection.getAbsolutePath()));
   if (ItemNr == 0) {
   // selectInput ( "Open iLoopino8 Eeprom:", "fileSelected", dataFile( "*.il7" ));
    val = "EEprom_iL7";
    if (EepromData.length == EEpromSize_iL7 + 1) {
      DataCheck = true;
  else if (ItemNr == 1) {
  //  selectInput ( "Open iLoopino8 Eeprom:", "fileSelected", dataFile( "*.il8" ));
    val = "EEPROM_iL8";
    if (EepromData.length == EEpromSize_iL8 + 1) {
      DataCheck = true;
  GetFilePath = selection.getAbsolutePath();
  NamePath = splitTokens(GetFilePath, System.getProperty("file.separator"));
  OnlyName = NamePath.length;
  FileName = (NamePath[OnlyName - 1]);
  WriteFileName = FileName;
    text(FileName, 2, 146);

void StartTimer() {
  TimerStart = millis();
  WriteFinished = true;

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It applies to everything that follows which loops around in draw() so everything.

Take a look at:

And the related references.


Example to demonstrate:

// Runs once
void setup() 
  size(400, 300);
  frameRate(1); // Sets framerate to 1 fps for this example

// Loops at 1 fps for this example to see text change
// The default is 60 fps 
void draw() 

  text("ABCD", 200, 120);
  text("EFGH", 200, 200);


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Hi guys, that seems to have done it… Thank you so much. There are so many things I still need to learn. I am sure I will come back with some more questions… I wish you all a fantastic day / evening.

if (LoadFileCheck == 2) {
pushStyle();  // Start a new style
    text(FileName, width/2, 246);


Question, in your example above you have the FrameRate set to 1, why?
Wouldn’t that force a very slow refresh rate of the “draw” loop?

To slow things down so you can see the text change for this example only.

I set the default textAlign() in setup() (which runs once) and is applied to the text() that follows in draw().

After setup()draw() loops and the new textAlign() applies to text that follows and all the following loops until it is changed.

And there is pushStyle() and popStyle() discussed already.


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