Text Input How To?

Hi guys, I am stuck with something here.
I am making an Eeprom editor for my for my DIY guitar effect switcher and I have implemented an eeprom emulation for it. That is working great. The emulated eeprom bytes are stored in a text file, each line represents a byte.
Each Preset on the device has a “Preset Name” using 10 characters. They are stored in 10 consecutive bytes in the eeprom, or in this case the text file which is loaded to a variable in processing.
What I would like to do is to read the eeprom values into a text field, edit them and then save them back to the variable.
I have looked at several examples, but didn’t find one that does something similar :frowning:
Could you please set me on the right path? I am a beginner. Thank you.

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One way of doing this:

// Bit manipulation
// v1.0.0
// GLV 2021-08-31

byte num = byte(0xF0);

boolean b;

void setup() 
  size(500, 100);
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
  println(binary(num, 8));

void draw() 
  int xt = mouseX;
  for (int bit = 0; bit<8; bit++) 
    int x = 350-50*bit+80;   
    int y = 50-10;
    if (xt > x-10 && xt < x+10)
      fill(0, 255, 0);  
        num ^= 1 << bit; // Updates num
        b = false;
        println(binary(num, 8));
    text((num >>> bit) & 1, x, y);
void mouseClicked()
  b = true;

Bit manipulation comes easy to me because of my background.
This may be a challenge for others.

The ^ is a bitwise exclusive OR

If you are using Processing 3 versions change 0b00000001 to 1

Summary of Operators


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As far as i understand you are reading the bits?
I think I might not have explained well what I am doing.
each preset name has 10 characters. Every character from the name is stored in one byte of the eeprom. So, 10 consecutive bytes.
Anyway, I think I managed to do something in a very unorthodox way.
This is how I read my emulated eeprom.

PresetNames_read = ((BankNr + PstNr) + (BankNr * 8)) * 10 + 6366; //

Then I read the characters stored in the eeprom:

PresetName = ""; // This must stay here.
for (int address = PresetNames_read; address < PresetNames_read + 10; address ++)
     read_value  = read_data[address];
PresetName = PresetName + char(read_value);



text(PresetName, 546, 16);

To Edit and save the preset names to the Eeprom I added a text field and detect the controller event, then:

Letters = theControlEvent.getStringValue();

    if(Letters.length() < 11) {
    for (int address = PresetNames_read; address < PresetNames_read + 10; address ++) 

    EepromWrite((p_address + (2 * address)), 32 );

    int i = 0;

    //for (int address = PresetNames_read; address < PresetNames_read + 10; address ++) 
    for (int address = PresetNames_read; address < PresetNames_read + Letters.length(); address ++) 
    char Char = Letters.charAt(i);
   //   read_data[address] = Letters.charAt(i);
    EepromWrite((p_address + (2 * address)), Char );
     PresetName = Letters;
    else if(Letters.length() > 10) {
      println("Max 10 Characters");
    Letters = "";
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I extracted the bits from a byte.
You can toggle a bit with a mouse click and it is saved back to the byte.

This is a very simple way to edit bits.

You can wrap this any way you like.


Yeah, but in this case I needed to deal with the characters of a byte, not bits. :slight_smile: Each character takes a byte of the eeprom.

But talking about bits, and if someone come from Arduino like me, I did find a very easy way of editing bits. :slight_smile: Have a look: I think it couldn’t be easier if we just make a couple of little functions with a couple of lines. :slight_smile:

int bitRead(int b, int bitPos)
      int x = b & (1 << bitPos);
      return x == 0 ? 0 : 1;
    int bitWrite(int b, int bitPos, int bitVal)
      int x = 0;
      if (bitVal == 0) {
       x = b & ~(1 << bitPos);           
      else if(bitVal == 1) {    
       x = b | (1 << bitPos);       
    return x;

Now if we have to read or write the bits of a variable that represents a byte, for example:

//  read a bit from variable "myByte"

int x = bitRead(myByte, 3);

// Now write it back

myByte = bitWrite(myByte, 3, x);

Simple, and user friendly. :slight_smile:

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