Text box of points Nr. 2

Hello again,

I have this task. It is in german:

Schreiben Sie die FunkQon makeX() mit dem Parameter size.
Ihre FunkQon sollte einen (Text-)Kasten der entsprechenden Höhe und Breite zeichnen, bestehend aus
Punkten und Hash-Symbolen (#). Die #-Zeichen sollen dabei ein Kreuz bilden.
Testen Sie Ihre FunkQon mit folgendem Code:
void setup() {


Now i tried it with this code:

void setup ()

void makeX(int n)
 for(int z =0 ; z < n; z++)
   for(int s = 0; s < n; s++)
     if (s == z && s > z || z == s )

I am nearly finished.
I just need to make the line on the oder side.
I think I need to expand the if cause.

Could someone give me a hint for this example?

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Your if statement’s expression is very strange.

if (s == z && s > z || z == s )

This says… if s equals z AND s is greater than z

Well, that’s already never going to be true, is it? s can’t equal z and be greater than z at the same time! So the first half of this expression is always false.

So what it really says is… if False OR z equals s…

But False is never going to satisfy the condition. So we can simplify it!
This is the same expression, without the useless first two thirds:

if ( s == z )

Now, since you are drawing an X (which I can thankfully tell based on the function name), you draw one line for it when s and z are equal. What can you say about the relationship between s, z and n along the other line? (Hint: What can you say about n-s and z?)

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Ok I found it. Thank you for your help.

void setup ()

void makeX(int n)
  for (int z =0; z < n; z++)
    for (int s = 0; s < n; s++)
      if (s == z || n - s == z+ 1 )
      } else
