SVG exception thrown on loadShape()

I’m new to processing, and I’m having an issue with loading a .svg saved in Adobe Illustrator using image trace. I get an error that looks like: RuntimeException: shape command not handled: .49
I believe the issue is with the .svg itself, as I’m able to load other .svgs in the same data directory, but it works in other programs so I’m just at a loss as to how to fix it. I’ve tried deleting various paths and saving it with various different settings from image trace, but nothing has worked so far.

I have a google drive link for the .svg since I can’t attach it directly. The exception can be reproduced with a call to loadShape().


Hi @strfry,

Welcome to the forum! :wink:

If you look at the error in the source code, it’s in this file:

It’s a big switch case that is run when parsing a <path> element in SVG.
You can read more about the syntax of the path here:

They say that there are 18 commands that you can put in the d field in path, they are letters (lower and upper case) and they have arguments.

For example here is the beginning of your svg’s path:

<path d="M82,328l-.09-.55L79,331.77c-4.29-3.1-8.31-6.44" ... />

The thing is it doesn’t understand that part:

unparsed: .92,-8.56,38.85,38.85,0,0,1,3.13,-15.18,2.11,2.11,0,0,1 ...

because .92 is not recognized as a drawing command.

I don’t understand why it works in InkScape and in the browser but the Processing SVG parser may have an issue here… Anyone know why?

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Hi @josephh,
Thanks for replying to my post! I have been tinkering with my svgs even more and ended up drawing a different, somewhat less complicated hand in Adobe Illustrator myself in case the image trace was the issue itself. Unfortunately I’m still consistently getting errors, it seems on specific paths created. I know that in the first hand there were a lot of non-enclosed paths and the fill was within the outline of the hand rather than the inside, which I thought perhaps could contribute to the problem. However, even having made extra sure that in my own illustration every path is an enclosed shape, Processing’s svg parser seems to still be uncooperative. I seem to be consistently getting an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException now, with various problematic indices depending on the path that it throws an exception on or if I add new anchors to a problematic path. I haven’t the faintest clue of what is making some paths throw exceptions though, as I don’t believe there is even any particularly complex geometry here, and I would expect that Illustrator’s svg export wouldn’t break it. I have a .zip with the illustrator file and the processing script I’m using and various svg saves with different paths turned off so I could locate the broken ones. h1-h6 all draw, whereas h7 and h8 will throw an exception. The first of those paths to throw an exception is named “borked path” in the illustrator file.

PShape s;
void setup() 
  size(600, 600);
  s = loadShape("h7.svg");


void draw()
  fill(255, 255, 255);
  shape(s, 50, 75, 500, 500);

Thanks for any help, this has me pulling my hair out :upside_down_face:

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The W3C validator says the file is ok…

Firefox, Chromium, Inkscape, Blender, Scribus can all open it.

In my experience, the Processing SVG parser has difficulty with negative signs and decimal points being used without spaces or commas between numbers and numbers or between numbers and path instructions –


for example. I tried to reformat the original to this to get it to load in Processing.

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" width="720" height="405" viewBox="0 0 720 405">
    <path id="background" d="M 0.0 0.0 L 720.0 0.0 L 720.0 405.0 L 0.0 405.0 Z" stroke="none" fill-opacity="1.000000" fill="#fff7d5" />
    <g id="camera" transform="translate(360.000000, 202.500000) scale(1.000000, -1.000000) rotate(0.0) translate(0.0, 0.0)">
        <g id="7105d9b0" class="materialsolid" stroke="none" fill-opacity="1.000000" fill="#202020">
            <path id="6ecbd232" class="curveentity2" fill-rule="evenodd" transform="translate(0.0, 0.0) rotate(0.0) scale(700.000000, -700.000000)" d="M -0.199463 0.243819 C -0.199632 0.242787,-0.199801 0.241755,-0.199970 0.240722 C -0.205431 0.248830,-0.210893 0.256938,-0.216354 0.265045 C -0.240508 0.247591,-0.263142 0.228786,-0.279808 0.204238 C -0.293377 0.184194,-0.305369 0.163024,-0.317756 0.142305 C -0.322260 0.134817,-0.325976 0.126822,-0.330199 0.119165 C -0.333408 0.113534,-0.334309 0.108692,-0.328172 0.103344 C -0.322035 0.097995,-0.319839 0.091689,-0.314997 0.086453 C -0.302350 0.072395,-0.287357 0.060640,-0.270687 0.051714 C -0.256023 0.044247,-0.246217 0.029708,-0.244787 0.013315 C -0.242252 -0.002652,-0.240523 -0.018737,-0.239607 -0.034879 C -0.239533 -0.064262,-0.233539 -0.093331,-0.221985 -0.120347 C -0.221701 -0.121194,-0.221324 -0.122006,-0.220858 -0.122768 C -0.208078 -0.140222,-0.209598 -0.162180,-0.203517 -0.181435 C -0.203335 -0.183372,-0.203945 -0.185303,-0.205206 -0.186784 C -0.212751 -0.196806,-0.220746 -0.206659,-0.223448 -0.219271 C -0.225834 -0.229441,-0.227471 -0.239772,-0.228347 -0.250181 C -0.228910 -0.258570,-0.217706 -0.265045,-0.209147 -0.263469 C -0.200099 -0.262151,-0.191351 -0.259254,-0.183304 -0.254911 C -0.176283 -0.251401,-0.170231 -0.246219,-0.165682 -0.239822 C -0.158423 -0.229081,-0.152023 -0.217786,-0.146539 -0.206040 C -0.143755 -0.198276,-0.142382 -0.190077,-0.142485 -0.181830 C -0.141528 -0.161955,-0.141865 -0.142023,-0.140739 -0.122205 C -0.140530 -0.109194,-0.137230 -0.096417,-0.131112 -0.084932 C -0.129438 -0.083162,-0.126977 -0.082355,-0.124581 -0.082793 C -0.113042 -0.086471,-0.101970 -0.091479,-0.091587 -0.097713 C -0.072500 -0.111563,-0.050036 -0.113872,-0.028584 -0.119784 C -0.010961 -0.124626,0.006379 -0.130425,0.024002 -0.135323 C 0.054968 -0.143881,0.086010 -0.152214,0.117127 -0.160322 C 0.121722 -0.161076,0.126392 -0.161265,0.131034 -0.160885 C 0.166054 -0.160885,0.199836 -0.169499,0.233786 -0.176537 C 0.254086 -0.180169,0.274694 -0.171277,0.285979 -0.154016 C 0.289526 -0.148104,0.294425 -0.149681,0.298760 -0.150976 C 0.306412 -0.153536,0.314792 -0.152822,0.321900 -0.149005 C 0.323695 -0.148226,0.325264 -0.147006,0.326461 -0.145458 C 0.334309 -0.132920,0.331005 -0.116226,0.318973 -0.107622 C 0.308565 -0.100779,0.297326 -0.095292,0.285529 -0.091295 C 0.254618 -0.081273,0.223596 -0.072658,0.194600 -0.056612 C 0.179961 -0.048448,0.162225 -0.045914,0.145898 -0.040791 C 0.140999 -0.039214,0.136270 -0.037356,0.131428 -0.035667 C 0.131615 -0.034729,0.131803 -0.033790,0.131991 -0.032852 C 0.138409 -0.033415,0.144772 -0.033809,0.151134 -0.034541 C 0.155807 -0.035048,0.160424 -0.036118,0.165097 -0.036624 C 0.179881 -0.037408,0.193468 -0.028150,0.198147 -0.014103 C 0.201975 -0.003406,0.204565 0.007685,0.207549 0.018664 C 0.208968 0.023084,0.207287 0.027946,0.203439 0.030544 C 0.201243 0.032346,0.199892 0.035161,0.197809 0.037019 C 0.194825 0.039665,0.191447 0.041973,0.188181 0.044338 C 0.186604 0.045408,0.184803 0.046196,0.182551 0.047322 C 0.187078 0.053083,0.191216 0.059140,0.194937 0.065452 C 0.197121 0.070507,0.198635 0.075826,0.199442 0.081273 C 0.200342 0.085383,0.200286 0.089775,0.201412 0.093828 C 0.205040 0.105322,0.199802 0.117879,0.189082 0.123387 C 0.171403 0.131833,0.153667 0.140278,0.135481 0.147654 C 0.124559 0.151989,0.112510 0.153284,0.101418 0.157394 C 0.070726 0.167530,0.039236 0.175064,0.007280 0.179915 C -0.006739 0.182505,-0.021152 0.183350,-0.035453 0.184532 C -0.059213 0.186447,-0.082916 0.188023,-0.106676 0.189712 C -0.109536 0.190309,-0.112488 0.190309,-0.115347 0.189712 C -0.125312 0.186053,-0.134715 0.189712,-0.144230 0.191401 C -0.159263 0.194104,-0.167145 0.206547,-0.176604 0.216400 C -0.184656 0.224901,-0.191919 0.234416,-0.199463 0.243819 C -0.199463 0.243819,-0.199463 0.243819,-0.199463 0.243819 Z M -0.057017 0.125583 C -0.057280 0.126259,-0.057543 0.126934,-0.057805 0.127610 C -0.061690 0.126934,-0.065575 0.126371,-0.069460 0.125470 C -0.083536 0.122092,-0.094346 0.115223,-0.098963 0.100247 C -0.103407 0.087393,-0.106133 0.074008,-0.107070 0.060440 C -0.107915 0.040115,-0.113545 0.020015,-0.116022 -0.000309 C -0.118781 -0.022831,-0.128071 -0.043381,-0.134940 -0.064664 C -0.135719 -0.067000,-0.136818 -0.069217,-0.138206 -0.071251 C -0.142203 -0.077332,-0.146595 -0.083187,-0.150480 -0.089381 C -0.154984 -0.096587,-0.158925 -0.104132,-0.163429 -0.111395 C -0.168911 -0.120606,-0.169887 -0.131837,-0.166076 -0.141855 C -0.162866 -0.133860,-0.159657 -0.125865,-0.156448 -0.117870 C -0.155716 -0.118076,-0.154984 -0.118283,-0.154252 -0.118489 C -0.154252 -0.119728,-0.154252 -0.120966,-0.154252 -0.122205 C -0.153070 -0.140560,-0.151887 -0.158915,-0.150818 -0.177326 C -0.150141 -0.180840,-0.150141 -0.184452,-0.150818 -0.187967 C -0.158813 -0.210488,-0.169341 -0.231376,-0.188146 -0.247535 C -0.195708 -0.254275,-0.205880 -0.257328,-0.215904 -0.255868 C -0.220239 -0.255418,-0.222548 -0.253841,-0.222604 -0.248661 C -0.222994 -0.228381,-0.215941 -0.208643,-0.202785 -0.193203 C -0.200725 -0.191255,-0.198415 -0.189589,-0.195916 -0.188248 C -0.198330 -0.185596,-0.200239 -0.182523,-0.201547 -0.179184 C -0.204362 -0.165614,-0.206220 -0.151820,-0.208641 -0.138139 C -0.209598 -0.132508,-0.211062 -0.127441,-0.212357 -0.122092 C -0.213286 -0.123074,-0.213756 -0.124405,-0.213652 -0.125752 C -0.213652 -0.126653,-0.213652 -0.127610,-0.214046 -0.128511 C -0.225306 -0.104188,-0.236117 -0.079978,-0.235948 -0.052446 C -0.235948 -0.037244,-0.237299 -0.021986,-0.238369 -0.006784 C -0.239101 0.003068,-0.241409 0.012921,-0.241184 0.022661 C -0.240841 0.028801,-0.242856 0.034846,-0.246814 0.039552 C -0.250689 0.044535,-0.255440 0.048771,-0.260834 0.052052 C -0.286001 0.066071,-0.305876 0.085833,-0.326483 0.106722 C -0.297712 0.160772,-0.271475 0.216400,-0.219507 0.251026 C -0.198731 0.228317,-0.177956 0.205608,-0.157180 0.182899 C -0.153426 0.182899,-0.149673 0.182899,-0.145919 0.182899 C -0.157180 0.172765,-0.170186 0.167304,-0.177618 0.155424 C -0.168441 0.157563,-0.164387 0.167754,-0.154365 0.169893 C -0.161891 0.162142,-0.169416 0.154391,-0.176942 0.146640 C -0.176604 0.146302,-0.176267 0.145965,-0.175929 0.145627 C -0.169416 0.151426,-0.162904 0.157225,-0.156392 0.163024 C -0.158250 0.142474,-0.171312 0.128398,-0.182572 0.113084 C -0.181841 0.112633,-0.181109 0.112183,-0.180377 0.111733 C -0.168666 0.128792,-0.156955 0.145852,-0.145244 0.162912 C -0.145863 0.163344,-0.146482 0.163775,-0.147102 0.164207 C -0.149147 0.161786,-0.151193 0.159365,-0.153239 0.156944 C -0.151173 0.165541,-0.146273 0.173199,-0.139332 0.178677 C -0.137801 0.179406,-0.136020 0.179406,-0.134490 0.178677 C -0.107746 0.164488,-0.078187 0.159365,-0.049078 0.154016 C -0.039788 0.152271,-0.030386 0.151088,-0.020026 0.149568 C -0.026219 0.130650,-0.042209 0.120065,-0.050261 0.103963 C -0.035677 0.117297,-0.021790 0.131372,-0.008653 0.146133 C -0.006479 0.149056,-0.002848 0.150535,0.000749 0.149962 C 0.012403 0.149230,0.024058 0.148667,0.035713 0.147991 C 0.046617 0.147260,0.057521 0.146528,0.068425 0.145795 C 0.065347 0.136412,0.062269 0.127028,0.059191 0.117644 C 0.035619 0.113083,0.012047 0.108523,-0.011524 0.103962 C -0.007527 0.112220,-0.003529 0.120478,0.000467 0.128736 C -0.000189 0.129073,-0.000846 0.129411,-0.001503 0.129749 C -0.003267 0.126709,-0.005031 0.123668,-0.006795 0.120628 C -0.011919 0.111845,-0.014509 0.101372,-0.024249 0.095742 C -0.026017 0.094355,-0.027540 0.092680,-0.028753 0.090787 C -0.031850 0.087071,-0.036636 0.083693,-0.037424 0.079527 C -0.037903 0.074017,-0.036973 0.068475,-0.034721 0.063424 C -0.032333 0.058063,-0.029548 0.052888,-0.026388 0.047941 C -0.029156 0.045677,-0.031771 0.043232,-0.034214 0.040622 C -0.036191 0.038550,-0.037470 0.035912,-0.037874 0.033077 C -0.037946 0.026775,-0.037304 0.020486,-0.035960 0.014328 C -0.035290 0.010504,-0.033297 0.007035,-0.030330 0.004532 C -0.022278 -0.000366,-0.013439 -0.004025,-0.005444 -0.008023 C -0.010755 -0.022680,-0.016066 -0.037338,-0.021377 -0.051995 C -0.020608 -0.052296,-0.019838 -0.052596,-0.019069 -0.052896 C -0.013439 -0.037807,-0.007808 -0.022718,-0.001784 -0.007291 C 0.003845 -0.008023,0.010095 -0.009093,0.016119 -0.009262 C 0.019532 -0.008937,0.022608 -0.011479,0.022932 -0.014892 C 0.027943 -0.041073,0.045453 -0.057344,0.066623 -0.070801 C 0.068845 -0.072641,0.070008 -0.075474,0.069720 -0.078345 C 0.068616 -0.081172,0.066644 -0.083577,0.064089 -0.085214 C 0.061366 -0.086876,0.058480 -0.088253,0.055475 -0.089324 C 0.055775 -0.089944,0.056076 -0.090563,0.056376 -0.091182 C 0.061398 -0.089270,0.066241 -0.086915,0.070846 -0.084144 C 0.073844 -0.081291,0.078570 -0.081169,0.081712 -0.083863 C 0.084113 -0.086338,0.086775 -0.088547,0.089651 -0.090450 C 0.097329 -0.093995,0.105228 -0.097042,0.113298 -0.099571 C 0.122926 -0.102612,0.132891 -0.104639,0.142632 -0.107454 C 0.182720 -0.119052,0.222751 -0.130819,0.262839 -0.142362 C 0.270721 -0.144670,0.278829 -0.146415,0.287274 -0.148499 C 0.273818 -0.169387,0.253492 -0.177607,0.230971 -0.172090 C 0.224102 -0.170400,0.217346 -0.167979,0.210477 -0.166459 C 0.201074 -0.164432,0.191559 -0.162969,0.182325 -0.161279 C 0.165255 -0.157543,0.148004 -0.154686,0.130639 -0.152721 C 0.118646 -0.152087,0.106764 -0.150085,0.095225 -0.146753 C 0.083321 -0.142485,0.071079 -0.139226,0.058628 -0.137013 C 0.032579 -0.133583,0.007176 -0.126335,-0.016760 -0.115505 C -0.018337 -0.114829,-0.019801 -0.113929,-0.021321 -0.113140 C -0.021171 -0.112465,-0.021021 -0.111789,-0.020871 -0.111113 C 0.001087 -0.118320,0.021975 -0.114661,0.042357 -0.106215 C 0.041650 -0.105509,0.040629 -0.105211,0.039654 -0.105427 C 0.038754 -0.105501,0.037885 -0.105791,0.037120 -0.106271 C 0.027380 -0.113197,0.016570 -0.110775,0.005929 -0.109818 C -0.010961 -0.108298,-0.027852 -0.106102,-0.044743 -0.105934 C -0.051349 -0.105988,-0.057879 -0.104524,-0.063830 -0.101654 C -0.067191 -0.099529,-0.070290 -0.097016,-0.073063 -0.094166 C -0.072782 -0.092759,-0.072500 -0.091351,-0.072219 -0.089944 C -0.081490 -0.088949,-0.090761 -0.087954,-0.100032 -0.086959 C -0.080777 -0.080034,-0.071205 -0.070857,-0.074358 -0.060272 C -0.085619 -0.076093,-0.101722 -0.077895,-0.118950 -0.077163 C -0.117317 -0.076431,-0.115685 -0.075699,-0.114052 -0.074967 C -0.114202 -0.074498,-0.114352 -0.074029,-0.114502 -0.073559 C -0.119100 -0.074366,-0.123698 -0.075173,-0.128296 -0.075980 C -0.128129 -0.075148,-0.127825 -0.074348,-0.127396 -0.073616 C -0.122665 -0.067921,-0.117648 -0.062471,-0.112363 -0.057288 C -0.098471 -0.045032,-0.089651 -0.028015,-0.087646 -0.009599 C -0.087082 0.003363,-0.088314 0.016342,-0.091305 0.028967 C -0.093163 0.039721,-0.097837 0.050025,-0.099188 0.060722 C -0.102510 0.086453,-0.096542 0.107228,-0.069967 0.118545 C -0.065560 0.120614,-0.061291 0.122965,-0.057186 0.125583 C -0.057130 0.125583,-0.057073 0.125583,-0.057017 0.125583 Z M 0.095000 -0.022380 C 0.094793 -0.023412,0.094587 -0.024444,0.094380 -0.025476 C 0.096689 -0.026546,0.098997 -0.027503,0.101249 -0.028686 C 0.102702 -0.029540,0.104077 -0.030519,0.105359 -0.031613 C 0.108287 -0.033922,0.110990 -0.037582,0.114199 -0.038539 C 0.127937 -0.042424,0.141844 -0.045971,0.155807 -0.048786 C 0.171439 -0.051639,0.186443 -0.057244,0.200117 -0.065339 C 0.209768 -0.071473,0.220010 -0.076623,0.230690 -0.080710 C 0.244315 -0.085552,0.258841 -0.088311,0.272748 -0.091970 C 0.288682 -0.096362,0.304953 -0.100078,0.317790 -0.111339 C 0.326404 -0.118714,0.325954 -0.127723,0.318635 -0.141911 C 0.316270 -0.146471,0.306417 -0.147541,0.298309 -0.145120 C 0.281418 -0.140616,0.264528 -0.136675,0.247637 -0.132621 C 0.238741 -0.130425,0.229620 -0.129018,0.220893 -0.126371 C 0.215544 -0.124739,0.210871 -0.120741,0.205578 -0.119165 C 0.193943 -0.115111,0.182194 -0.111357,0.170333 -0.107904 C 0.152203 -0.102837,0.133736 -0.098727,0.115832 -0.093040 C 0.105290 -0.089627,0.095181 -0.084998,0.085710 -0.079246 C 0.080627 -0.075622,0.076462 -0.070859,0.073548 -0.065339 C 0.071859 -0.062580,0.072760 -0.058245,0.072478 -0.054641 C 0.072047 -0.054641,0.071615 -0.054641,0.071184 -0.054641 C 0.069738 -0.058639,0.068293 -0.062636,0.066848 -0.066634 C 0.063020 -0.063988,0.059135 -0.061004,0.054968 -0.058639 C 0.040739 -0.050102,0.030300 -0.036438,0.025803 -0.020466 C 0.022932 -0.012020,0.024677 -0.008924,0.033855 -0.009205 C 0.050746 -0.009486,0.067636 -0.010275,0.084527 -0.011457 C 0.101418 -0.012639,0.118309 -0.014723,0.135200 -0.016074 C 0.137114 -0.016074,0.139141 -0.014160,0.141168 -0.013146 C 0.139541 -0.011035,0.137648 -0.009143,0.135538 -0.007516 C 0.133398 -0.006221,0.130414 -0.006446,0.128106 -0.005376 C 0.120111 -0.001604,0.112960 0.004194,0.103332 0.003969 C 0.098659 0.003969,0.093986 0.005433,0.089369 0.005376 C 0.071690 0.005376,0.054011 0.004644,0.036332 0.004138 C 0.030702 0.004138,0.025071 0.003631,0.019779 0.003349 C 0.021307 0.005661,0.023350 0.007589,0.025747 0.008980 C 0.028133 0.010176,0.030333 0.011712,0.032278 0.013540 C 0.034981 0.016918,0.031884 0.036568,0.028844 0.039890 C 0.025803 0.043212,0.023664 0.046083,0.020567 0.049799 C 0.022932 0.050419,0.023945 0.050813,0.025071 0.050982 C 0.059622 0.055167,0.094564 0.054959,0.129063 0.050362 C 0.153899 0.047674,0.177680 0.038850,0.198259 0.024688 C 0.201581 0.022380,0.204340 0.020466,0.202932 0.015567 C 0.200905 0.008698,0.199385 0.001604,0.197865 -0.005433 C 0.196669 -0.013791,0.191073 -0.020894,0.183226 -0.024013 C 0.175569 -0.026997,0.167574 -0.029249,0.159692 -0.031557 C 0.158566 -0.031895,0.157158 -0.030825,0.155807 -0.030600 C 0.146292 -0.029080,0.136776 -0.027447,0.127205 -0.026208 C 0.116789 -0.024632,0.105359 -0.031107,0.094718 -0.022436 C 0.094812 -0.022418,0.094906 -0.022399,0.095000 -0.022380 Z M 0.179454 0.102837 C 0.179679 0.103099,0.179904 0.103362,0.180130 0.103625 C 0.178781 0.104744,0.177259 0.105638,0.175625 0.106271 C 0.165153 0.107848,0.154681 0.109481,0.144208 0.110606 C 0.128387 0.112295,0.112566 0.113478,0.096745 0.114998 C 0.087342 0.115899,0.077940 0.117081,0.068594 0.118095 C 0.066799 0.129045,0.072330 0.139972,0.082219 0.145007 C 0.093130 0.149830,0.106076 0.145190,0.111440 0.134535 C 0.112536 0.136902,0.114768 0.138553,0.117353 0.138906 C 0.119937 0.139258,0.122531 0.138267,0.124221 0.136281 C 0.121743 0.129581,0.119323 0.123106,0.116958 0.116575 C 0.117727 0.116199,0.118497 0.115824,0.119266 0.115448 C 0.122532 0.121736,0.125797 0.128023,0.129063 0.134310 C 0.135050 0.130688,0.141037 0.127066,0.147024 0.123444 C 0.146461 0.121886,0.145898 0.120328,0.145334 0.118770 C 0.148769 0.118770,0.152598 0.120009,0.154399 0.118770 C 0.163464 0.111845,0.174049 0.111620,0.184521 0.110944 C 0.188068 0.110944,0.190152 0.109593,0.190489 0.106215 C 0.194431 0.083694,0.192967 0.072433,0.175062 0.056781 C 0.172565 0.055374,0.169897 0.054296,0.167124 0.053572 C 0.153366 0.058891,0.138587 0.061046,0.123883 0.059878 C 0.116733 0.059596,0.109470 0.059483,0.102319 0.059878 C 0.074505 0.060835,0.046692 0.063594,0.019216 0.056443 C 0.017350 0.056164,0.015452 0.056164,0.013586 0.056443 C 0.013666 0.056980,0.013798 0.057508,0.013980 0.058020 C 0.014539 0.058688,0.015205 0.059258,0.015950 0.059709 C 0.019775 0.060814,0.022929 0.063543,0.024574 0.067168 C 0.026219 0.070793,0.026195 0.074964,0.024508 0.078570 C 0.024233 0.080112,0.024101 0.081677,0.024114 0.083243 C 0.022707 0.091970,0.020004 0.095236,0.011390 0.095968 C 0.002776 0.096700,-0.005106 0.095968,-0.013382 0.095968 C -0.007482 0.099236,-0.001031 0.101393,0.005647 0.102330 C 0.012910 0.103231,0.020398 0.101880,0.027605 0.102780 C 0.041737 0.104526,0.055757 0.107228,0.069889 0.109424 C 0.072928 0.110460,0.076269 0.110148,0.079064 0.108568 C 0.081859 0.106988,0.083848 0.104285,0.084527 0.101147 C 0.086077 0.096452,0.087207 0.091629,0.087906 0.086734 C 0.088750 0.081104,0.088919 0.074967,0.089369 0.069111 C 0.090045 0.069111,0.090721 0.069111,0.091396 0.069111 C 0.092016 0.081723,0.092804 0.094391,0.084978 0.105877 C 0.084278 0.107351,0.083821 0.108929,0.083627 0.110550 C 0.084973 0.111116,0.086396 0.111477,0.087849 0.111620 C 0.095000 0.111620,0.102206 0.111057,0.109357 0.110662 C 0.123433 0.109874,0.137508 0.109593,0.151640 0.108129 C 0.160823 0.106904,0.169937 0.105213,0.178947 0.103062 C 0.179116 0.102987,0.179285 0.102912,0.179454 0.102837 Z M -0.036748 0.031670 C -0.031681 0.035330,-0.026782 0.038933,-0.021828 0.042367 C -0.010961 0.049856,0.001762 0.048786,0.013867 0.049180 C 0.021018 0.049180,0.030308 0.035611,0.030758 0.026940 C 0.030945 0.019294,0.026290 0.012311,0.019160 0.009543 C 0.003001 0.000928,-0.013157 0.006165,-0.029372 0.008023 C -0.031061 0.008023,-0.033257 0.011513,-0.033820 0.013653 C -0.035115 0.019340,-0.035735 0.025195,-0.036748 0.031670 C -0.036748 0.031670,-0.036748 0.031670,-0.036748 0.031670 Z M 0.003226 0.093321 C 0.015387 0.091858,0.015556 0.091745,0.018709 0.080315 C 0.019619 0.078279,0.020080 0.076071,0.020061 0.073841 C 0.019103 0.069956,0.018259 0.064607,0.015500 0.062862 C 0.009618 0.059366,0.003239 0.056784,-0.003417 0.055204 C -0.007865 0.054022,-0.012876 0.055204,-0.017492 0.054191 C -0.019977 0.053382,-0.022686 0.053607,-0.025004 0.054813 C -0.027322 0.056020,-0.029060 0.058110,-0.029823 0.060610 C -0.034327 0.072715,-0.033708 0.080597,-0.028134 0.084313 C -0.027547 0.084621,-0.026923 0.084848,-0.026276 0.084989 C -0.016441 0.087766,-0.006607 0.090544,0.003226 0.093321 Z M -0.016929 0.000816 C -0.009160 0.000328,-0.001390 -0.000159,0.006379 -0.000647 C 0.001537 -0.003913,-0.006401 -0.003518,-0.016986 0.000816 C -0.016967 0.000816,-0.016948 0.000816,-0.016929 0.000816 Z " />




Hey @behreajj,

Thanks for the tip! If I’m understanding this correctly, path instructions (the letters) need to be preceded and followed by a space or comma? Negative signs then need to also be preceded by a space or comma for Processing to cooperate?

Update: Turns out that using export as in Illustrator results in the .svg that Processing can’t handle, whereas Save as seems to work fine.