Hello All,
Why is the statement below invalid:
float x = point(a,b);
it gives me the error : void cannot be matched with int.(interesting!!) Is it not possible to store a point in a variable? I came across this while trying to generate a group of points using “for” loop and then trying to save them in an array.
is there to draw a point
- For the data type to store x,y see PVector in the reference : https://www.processing.org/reference/PVector.html
both work also with x,y,z (in 3D). A vector is actually a quite complex mathematical thing, in processing an object that knows also commands.
(In future please post your code as text and not as an image)
PVector[] listPV = new PVector[0];
void setup() {
size(999, 600);
// fill listPV
for (int i=20; i<480; i+= 20) {
listPV = (PVector[]) append(listPV, new PVector(i, height/2));
// Show listPV
for (PVector pv : listPV) {
println (pv);
void draw() {
Hello @prathmesh, remember that you can always go straight to a function’s description in the Processing’s reference just by doing this on the Sketchbook:
- Highlight the function’s name (for instance double click the name).
- Open the context menu by right clicking on the function’s name.
- Click on “Find in reference”.