SplitTokens strings do not print as text

I am receiving 3 different strings and I print them separately based on the first char.

All is well till I tried to parse one of strings by token. The newly formed strings will print out but will not show as text . I get a null pointer.

Please help.

  if  (BTPort.available() > 0) {
    IncomingStr = BTPort.readStringUntil(lf);
    if (IncomingStr != null) {
      First = IncomingStr.charAt(0);
     // println(IncomingStr);
     // println(First);
  if (First == 'M')  
   Incoming_Currents_A = IncomingStr; // incoming current string from teensy
   else if (First == 'E')  
   {//Incoming_Encs_A= splitTokens(IncomingStr, "B "); // incoming current string from teensy
   Incoming_Encs = splitTokens(IncomingStr, "B");
   //println (Incoming_Encs[0]); 
   Incoming_Info= IncomingStr;  //  incoming current string from teensy

    text (Incoming_Encs[0], 10, 1000); 
  text (Incoming_Encs[1], 400, 1000);
  text (Incoming_Currents_A, 10, 1040); 
  text (Incoming_Info , 10, 1080);

please format code with </> button * homework policy * asking questions

@laptophead – were you able to resolve this?

It is hard to test this or give feedback with only a code fragment.