I got a question. I am a beginner at coding. I am trying to program a little game but I’m already stuck.
Basically, I have set up two arrays with a number of objects within both of them. Now I’ve encountered a little problem. I want there to be spaces between each object within the array and also between the objects in both arrays. Meaning: I don’t want objects touching one another. Does anyone know how to achieve that?
In Processing, I’m currently using three tabs, I’ll post the code in order.
float borderWidth = 40; // Width of the wall
color borderColor = color(191, 10, 48); // Color of the wall
PImage img = createImage(70, 50, RGB);
void setup () {
size (1000, 500, P2D);
for (int i = 0; i<burgers.length; i++)
burgers[i] = new Burger();
for (int j = 0; j<russias.length; j++)
russias[j] = new Russia();
void draw () {
background (0, 40, 104);
// Wall
rect(0, 0, borderWidth, height);
rect(width-borderWidth-1, 0, borderWidth, height);
rect(0, 0, width, borderWidth);
rect(0, height-borderWidth-1, width, borderWidth);
for (int i = 0; i<burgers.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j<russias.length; j++)
rect(0, 0, borderWidth, height);
rect(width-borderWidth-1, 0, borderWidth, height);
rect(0, 0, width, borderWidth);
rect(0, height-borderWidth, width, borderWidth);
//All objects are made to display and move. They have been coded in seperate tabs.
Burger[] burgers = new Burger[10];
class Burger {
float xpos;
float ypos;
float burgerWidth;
float yspeed;
int colorA;
int colorBread;
Burger () {
xpos = random(borderWidth, width-100);
ypos = random(-1000, -50);
burgerWidth = 60;
yspeed = 2;
colorA = 255;
colorBread = 156;
void display () {
stroke (0);
fill (colorA, colorBread, 0); //top bread
arc (xpos+30, ypos, burgerWidth, 50, PI, TWO_PI);
fill (236, 56, 40); //tomato
rect (xpos, ypos, burgerWidth, 8, 3, 6, 12, 18);
fill (colorA, 218, 0); //cheese
rect (xpos, ypos+4, burgerWidth, 4, 3, 6, 12, 18);
fill (174, 97, 66); // meat
rect (xpos, ypos+7, burgerWidth, 10, 3, 6, 12, 18);
fill (0, 218, 83); //salad
rect (xpos, ypos+17, burgerWidth, 7, 3, 6, 12, 18);
fill (colorA, colorBread, 0); //bottom bread
rect (xpos, ypos+23, burgerWidth, 12, 0, 0, 12, 18);
void move () {
ypos = ypos + yspeed;
if (ypos>height) {
ypos=random(-1000, 50);
xpos=random(100, width-100);
Russia[] russias = new Russia[10];
class Russia {
float xRussia;
float yRussia;
float russiaWidth;
float russiaHeight;
float yspeed;
Russia () {
xRussia = random(borderWidth+20, width-120);
yRussia = random(-1000, -50);
russiaWidth = 60;
russiaHeight = 15;
yspeed = 2;
void display() {
stroke (255);
fill (255);
rect(xRussia, yRussia, russiaWidth, russiaHeight);
stroke (0, 57, 166);
fill (0, 57, 166);
rect(xRussia, yRussia+15, russiaWidth, russiaHeight);
stroke (213, 43, 30);
fill (213, 43, 30);
rect(xRussia, yRussia+30, russiaWidth, russiaHeight);
void move () {
yRussia = yRussia + yspeed;
if (yRussia>height) {
yRussia=random(-1000, -50);
xRussia=random(borderWidth+20, width-120);