Sound, Perlin Noise, and Processing. Looking for a demo


Simple question: has anybody developed In Processing a couple of simple examples as those at What Does Perlin Noise Sound Like? ?

If you did, I appreciate if you may share your code. Thanks a lot.

Hello @mario60 ,

Try generating some Perlin noise data and saving it to a sound file and see what it sounds like.

Saving AudioSample as a sound file of any format

I will certainly be exploring this in the future but not anytime soon…

I had some success with this!

Replace the sine wave data with Perlin noise and write that to the array.

I cleaned up the code in one of the examples to demonstrate beat frequencies (click mouse on sketch window to generate and play):

// Original here:

// Updates by glv to generate stereo with beat frequencies

// References

import javax.sound.sampled.*;

import processing.sound.*;
SoundFile file;

void setup() {}

void draw() {}

void mousePressed()
  byte[] pcm_data = new byte[44100*2];
  double L1 = 44100.0/240.0;
  double L2 = 44100.0/250.0;
  for (int i=0; i<pcm_data.length; i+=2) // glv modified
    pcm_data[i] =   (byte)(55*Math.sin((i/L1)*Math.PI*2));
    pcm_data[i+1] = (byte)(55*Math.sin((i/L2)*Math.PI*2)); // glv modified

  AudioFormat frmt = new AudioFormat(44100, 8, 2, true, true);
  AudioInputStream ais = new AudioInputStream(
    new ByteArrayInputStream(pcm_data), frmt, 
    pcm_data.length / frmt.getFrameSize()

    AudioSystem.write(ais, AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE, new 
      File(sketchPath() + "/test.wav")   // glv added brackets for sketchPath
  catch(Exception e) 
  // glv added:
  file = new SoundFile(this, "test.wav");;

Do a bit of research and fill the array by encoding Perlin noise values into WAV file data. This is achievable.


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Hi @mario60!
You inspired me to try this, and since Processing comes with a Perlin Noise generator it was quite simple. I’m using the Pd4P3 sound library mainly because it allows you write directly to the audio loop in realtime. It sounds different than I imagined, but then we rarely use Perlin noise in audio. But it was an interesting idea, and I may use this more in the future.
The example code is below and also lives here:

import com.pdplusplus.*;

A simple implementation of Perlin Noise
The x-axis will set the noise scale which will
change the spectrum of the noise.  

 Pd pd;
 MyMusic music;
 int counter = 0;
 float[] output;
 void setup() {
   size(640, 360);
   music = new MyMusic();
   pd = Pd.getInstance(music);
   //start the Pd engine thread
 void draw() {
  //set our scale from .005 = .09, change if you like
  float s = map(mouseX, 0, width, .005, .09);
  output = music.getOutput();
 //Draw the shape based on the output block, once per frame
  for(int i = 0; i < output.length; i++){
      map(i, 0, output.length, width, 0),
      map(output[i], -1, 1, 0, height)
 public void dispose() {
   //stop Pd engine
   println("Pd4P3 audio engine stopped.");
   This is our audio class that writes noise() directly to the audio loop
 class MyMusic extends PdAlgorithm {
   float x = 0;
   int counter = 0;
   int block = 1024; //change this to bigger or small to get better graphing
   float[] writeOutput = new float[block];
   float scale = .01;
   //Our audio loop.  All DSP code goes here
   void runAlgorithm(double in1, double in2) {
     x = x + getScale();
     float n = noise(x);
     outputL = outputR = n - .5; //drop down 50% to avoid DC
     //our ring buffer
     writeOutput[counter++] = (float)outputL;
     //writes a block to our graphics loops
     if(counter == block)
       counter = 0;
   synchronized void setOutput(float[] o) {
      writeOutput = o; 
   synchronized float[] getOutput() {
    return writeOutput; 
   synchronized void setScale(float s) {
      scale = s; 
   synchronized float getScale() {
      return scale; 
   //Free all objects created from Pd4P3 lib
   void free() {
     //nothing to free
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When I try to run your DummyTemplate example, I get the following error:

UnsatisfiedLinkError: no pdplusplus in java.library.path: :/home/.../processing-4.3.1-linux-x64/processing-4.3.1/core/library/linux-amd64:/home/.../sketchbook/libraries/Pd4P3/library:/usr/java/packages/lib:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib
A library used by this sketch relies on native code that is not available.

I am not so familiar with Java to be able to fix it. Is there a way?

>> java --version
openjdk 21.0.6 2025-01-21
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Red_Hat- (build 21.0.6+7)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (Red_Hat- (build 21.0.6+7, mixed mode, sharing)