I have a problem with these codes on Processing. I want to shape a 3d object with sound. There is no problem for shaping surfaces but it goes in loop. Do you know how to stop this? I need only one movement from bottom to top of the cylinder.
And I have also another problem. When I run the app, the cylinder is visible. How can I make it invisible at first? After each interaction with sound, it will be visible layer by layer from bottom to top, until end of the sound. Is it possible to do that?
I hope I can explain my two problems with Processing.
Thank you for your help and advices.
import processing.dxf.*;
import ddf.minim.*;
Minim minim;
AudioInput in;
//import superCAD.*;
boolean saveOneFrame = false;
PVector [] thisrow;
PVector [] lastrow;
import peasy.*;
PeasyCam cam;
float buffSize;
float ang;
float angInc;
float rad = 1;
float amp = 200;
float zSpacing = 50; //layer size
boolean wireframe = false;
float numHeight = 50; // horizonal lines
float htRadInc = (TWO_PI*0)/numHeight;
float vaseRadScayl = 20;
PVector [][] points;
PVector [][] origpoints;
Quad [][] quads;
//ArrayList lines = new ArrayList();
//ArrayList tris = new ArrayList();
//ArrayList quads = new ArrayList();
void setup(){
size(800, 800, P3D);
minim = new Minim(this);
// get a line in from Minim, default bit depth is 16
in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.STEREO, 16);
buffSize = in.bufferSize();
cam = new PeasyCam(this,0,0,(numHeight*zSpacing/2), 500);
thisrow = new PVector[int(buffSize)];
lastrow = new PVector[int(buffSize)];
points = new PVector[int(numHeight)][int(buffSize)];
origpoints = new PVector[int(numHeight)][int(buffSize)];
quads = new Quad[int(numHeight)][int(buffSize)];
angInc = TWO_PI/buffSize;
for(int i=0; i<numHeight; i++){
rad = 500 + (vaseRadScayl*sin(i*htRadInc)); //radius size
for (int j=0; j<buffSize; j++){
ang = j*angInc;
points[i][j] = new PVector(rad*cos(ang), rad*sin(ang), i*zSpacing);
origpoints [i][j] = points[i][j];
for(int i=0; i<numHeight-1; i++){
for (int j=0; j<buffSize; j++){
quads[i][j] = new Quad(new PVector(i, j), new PVector(i,j+1), new PVector(i+1, j+1), new PVector(i+1, j));
} else {
quads[i][j] = new Quad(new PVector(i, j), new PVector(i,0), new PVector(i+1, 0), new PVector(i+1, j));
boolean run = false;
float z=0;
int pindex = 0;
void draw(){
if(saveOneFrame == true) {
String Dateobj = year() + "-" + month() + "-" + day() + "-" + hour() + "-" + minute() + "-" + second() + ".dxf";
beginRaw(DXF, Dateobj);
// draw the waveforms
for(int i = 0; i < buffSize; i++){
ang = i*angInc;
PVector p = new PVector(in.left.get(i)*amp*cos(ang) + origpoints[int(z/abs(zSpacing))][i].x, in.left.get(i)*amp*sin(ang) + origpoints[int(z/abs(zSpacing))][i].y, z);
PVector pSound = new PVector(in.left.get(i)*amp*cos(ang), in.left.get(i)*amp*sin(ang), 0);
thisrow[i] = p;
if (run) {
PVector p0, p1, p2, p3;
for(int i=0; i<numHeight; i++){
for (int j=0; j<buffSize; j++){
for(int i = 0; i < buffSize; i++){
if (i<buffSize-1){
line(points[int(z/abs(zSpacing))][i].x, points[int(z/abs(zSpacing))][i].y, points[int(z/abs(zSpacing))][i].z, points[int(z/abs(zSpacing))][i+1].x, points[int(z/abs(zSpacing))][i+1].y, points[int(z/abs(zSpacing))][i+1].z);
} else {
line(points[int(z/abs(zSpacing))][i].x, points[int(z/abs(zSpacing))][i].y, points[int(z/abs(zSpacing))][i].z, points[int(z/abs(zSpacing))][0].x, points[int(z/abs(zSpacing))][0].y, points[int(z/abs(zSpacing))][0].z);
if (i<buffSize-1){
line(thisrow[i].x, thisrow[i].y, thisrow[i].z, thisrow[i+1].x, thisrow[i+1].y, thisrow[i+1].z);
} else {
line(thisrow[i].x, thisrow[i].y, thisrow[i].z, thisrow[0].x, thisrow[0].y, thisrow[0].z);
// for (int i=0; i<quads.size(); i++){
// Quad q = (Quad) quads.get(i);
// q.render();
// }
for (int i=0; i<buffSize; i++){
lastrow[i] = thisrow[i];
z += zSpacing;
if(frameCount%(numHeight-1) == 0){
zSpacing *= -1;
// if (run){
// cam.lookAt(buffSize/2,0,z, 250);
// z+=20;
// }
//if (frameCount%5==0){
// //println("save!");
// String Date = year() + "-" + month() + "-" + day() + "-" + hour() + "-" + minute() + "-" + second() + ".tiff";
// save(Date);
if(saveOneFrame) {
saveOneFrame = false;
void keyPressed(){
if (key == 'r'){
run = !run;
if (key == 's'){
saveOneFrame = true;
if (key == 'w'){
wireframe = !wireframe;
void stop()
// always close Minim audio classes when you are done with them
class Triangle{
PVector a;
PVector b;
PVector c;
Triangle(PVector A, PVector B, PVector C){
a = A;
b = B;
c = C;
void render(){
vertex(a.x, a.y, a.z);
vertex(b.x, b.y, b.z);
vertex(c.x, c.y, c.z);
class Quad{
PVector a;
PVector b;
PVector c;
PVector d;
Quad(PVector A, PVector B, PVector C, PVector D){
a = A;
b = B;
c = C;
d = D;
void render(){
if (wireframe){
} else {
vertex(points[int(a.x)][int(a.y)].x, points[int(a.x)][int(a.y)].y, points[int(a.x)][int(a.y)].z);
vertex(points[int(b.x)][int(b.y)].x, points[int(b.x)][int(b.y)].y, points[int(b.x)][int(b.y)].z);
vertex(points[int(c.x)][int(c.y)].x, points[int(c.x)][int(c.y)].y, points[int(c.x)][int(c.y)].z);
vertex(points[int(d.x)][int(d.y)].x, points[int(d.x)][int(d.y)].y, points[int(d.x)][int(d.y)].z);