Some questions about millis()

I know millis() is the number of milliseconds since starting the program, but how can I reset millis() to 0 in order to re-counting the time?

That’s not how it works.

Instead make a new variable timer or startTime and set it to millis(); (when you want to set millis to 0)

Then millis() - startTime gives you the amount of millis you are looking for

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You can’t reset millis().
You can start a time elapsed counter that counts from the time started.

A simple example:

int timeStart;
int timeElapsed;

void setup() 
  timeStart = millis();

void draw() 
  timeElapsed = millis() - timeStart;

void keyPressed()
  timeStart = millis();  //Resets time elapsed counter


Other millis() examples here:

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glv, Thank you so much!! I got it now

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Chrisir, Thank you for your help!!

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