Hello, community
I’m new to Processing and coding in general so please bear with me.
I am trying to control 2 servos and a bunch of LEDs attached to an Arduino Nano clone using Logitech Attack3 Joystick and Processing with the GameControlPlus library.
I figured out how to control the Servos as shown in the code below, but I have no idea how can I make pressing a button on the joystick control an LED, I need a sample code to do that so I can build on it.
Question 2 :
When using Processing with Arduino, do I create the entire code in Processing? I mean what will be the Arduino and Arduino IDE job afterward other than uploading the Firmatta code to it and attaching the devices to be controlled to it?
The Processing code:
import processing.serial.*;
import net.java.games.input.*;
import org.gamecontrolplus.*;
import org.gamecontrolplus.gui.*;
import cc.arduino.*;
import org.firmata.*;
ControlDevice cont;
ControlIO control;
Arduino arduino;
float joystickX;
float joystickY;
boolean but1;
int servoXPin=3; // Where servoX is connected to arduino
int servoYPin=5; // Where servoY is connected to arduino
void setup() {
size(360, 200);
control = ControlIO.getInstance(this);
cont = control.getMatchedDevice("attack3");
if (cont == null) {
println("Controller not connected! Please check it out.");
} //End of "if" code
println(Arduino.list()); //Reads the connected USB devices
arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[2], 57600);
arduino.pinMode(servoXPin, Arduino.SERVO);
arduino.pinMode(servoYPin, Arduino.SERVO);
arduino.pinMode(13, Arduino.OUTPUT);
} //End of void setup loop
public void getUserInput() {
joystickX = map(cont.getSlider("servoX").getValue(), -1, 1, 0, 180);
joystickY = map(cont.getSlider("servoY").getValue(), -1, 1, 0, 180);
but1 = cont.getButton("bn1").pressed(); // NOT SURE IF THIS PART IS CORRECT!!!!
/*joystick = map(cont.getSlider("bn2").getValue(), 0, 1, 0, 1);
joystick = map(cont.getSlider("bn3").getValue(), 0, 1, 0, 1);
joystick = map(cont.getSlider("bn4").getValue(), 0, 1, 0, 1);
joystick = map(cont.getSlider("bn5").getValue(), 0, 1, 0, 1);
joystick = map(cont.getSlider("bn6").getValue(), 0, 1, 0, 1);
joystick = map(cont.getSlider("bn7").getValue(), 0, 1, 0, 1);
joystick = map(cont.getSlider("bn8").getValue(), 0, 1, 0, 1);
joystick = map(cont.getSlider("bn9").getValue(), 0, 1, 0, 1);
joystick = map(cont.getSlider("bn9").getValue(), 0, 1, 0, 1);
joystick = map(cont.getSlider("bn10").getValue(), 0, 1, 0, 1);
joystick = map(cont.getSlider("bn11").getValue(), 0, 1, 0, 1);
print (", ");
print (", ");
println (joystickY);
delay (100);
} // End of public void loop
void draw() {
background(joystickX, 100, 255);
background(joystickY, 50, 180);
arduino.servoWrite(servoXPin, (int)joystickX);
arduino.servoWrite(servoYPin, (int)joystickY);
if (but1 == true) {
arduino.digitalWrite(13, 1); // NOT SURE OF THIS WOULD WORK TO TURN ON ARDUINO LED 13