Sketch to Webpage

Any help on how I can turn this Sketch in to an interactive webpage?

void setup () {




void draw () {

if (mousePressed) {
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 460, 460);
} else {
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 460, 460);


Take a look at p5.js ; it’s the Javascript library similar to Processing, so you can easily translate your code above in js. You won’t need to change your code actually, except two things : the type of the functions ; void is function in js. And you won’t declare the size of a window but of a canvas wich is in you browser window…

Other than changing void to function, is there anything else I would need to change?

boolean paint = true;
public boolean mousePresent = false;

void setup () {
  size(1920, 1080);
  if ( paint) background(0);
  println("use: key [p]");
void draw () {
  if ( !paint ) background(0);
  if ( mousePresent && focused ) {
    if (mousePressed)  fill(0);
    else               fill(255);
    ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, width/5, width/5);

void keyPressed() {
  if ( key == 'p' ) paint = !paint;

public void mouseExited() {
  mousePresent = false;

public void mouseEntered() {
  mousePresent = true;

I have set up a html file to test it. Do I need to assign the .js file to a div? It is linked in the

check out this example: