Sketch is running at low framerate (3fps) i don't know why


I’m a student and i have to create a sketch with bus point and density at these bus points. In fact all my sketch is working but at a very low framerate even if i put frameRate(30 or 60).

Can someone help me please ?

Here is my code:

float width2 = 1600;
float height2 = 900;
float zoom = 1;
int mouseTransformX = 0;
int mouseTransformY = 0;
boolean hoverSlider = false;

//Position des lignes
float roadCoord [] [] = {
    width2/10.2, width2/4, width2/3.2, width2/2.26, width2/2.03, width2/1.7, width2/1.49, width2/1.43, width2/1.28, width2/1.305, width2/1.455, width2/1.465, width2/1.49, width2/1.515, width2/1.76, width2/1.9, width2/2.2, width2/2.24, width2/3.02, width2/3.58, width2/5.155, width2/6.1, width2/6.66, width2/7.6
    height2/2.05, height2/3.4, height2/3.7, height2/4, height2/3.95, height2/4.2, height2/3.5, height2/3.22, height2/2.9, height2/2.4, height2/2.35, height2/1.7, height2/1.5, height2/1.28, height2/1.415, height2/1.458, height2/1.62, height2/1.4, height2/1.48, height2/1.26, height2/1.205, height2/1.32, height2/1.36, height2/1.6
    width2/4, width2/3.2, width2/2.26, width2/2.03, width2/1.7, width2/1.49, width2/1.43, width2/1.28, width2/1.305, width2/1.455, width2/1.465, width2/1.49, width2/1.515, width2/1.76, width2/1.9, width2/2.2, width2/2.24, width2/3.02, width2/3.58, width2/5.155, width2/6.1, width2/6.66, width2/7.6, width2/10.2
    height2/3.4, height2/3.7, height2/4, height2/3.95, height2/4.2, height2/3.5, height2/3.22, height2/2.9, height2/2.4, height2/2.35, height2/1.7, height2/1.5, height2/1.28, height2/1.415, height2/1.458, height2/1.62, height2/1.4, height2/1.48, height2/1.26, height2/1.205, height2/1.32, height2/1.36, height2/1.6, height2/2.05

//Position des Arrets
float arretCoord [] [] = {
    width2/10.2, width2/3.2, width2/2.03, width2/1.28, width2/1.465, width2/1.76, width2/3.02
    height2/2.05, height2/3.7, height2/3.95, height2/2.9, height2/1.7, height2/1.415, height2/1.48

Slider slider1 = new Slider();
Arret [] multArret = new Arret[arretCoord[0].length];
Road [] multRoad = new Road[roadCoord[0].length];

void setup() {
  size (1600, 900);

  for (int i=0; i<multArret.length; i++) {
    multArret[i] = new Arret(arretCoord[0][i], arretCoord[1][i]);
  for (int i=0; i<multRoad.length; i++) {
    multRoad[i] = new Road(roadCoord[0][i], roadCoord[1][i], roadCoord[2][i], roadCoord[3][i]);

void draw() {
  translate(mouseTransformX, mouseTransformY);
  image(loadImage("map1.jpg"), 0, 0, width, height);
  stroke(255, 0, 0);

  //boucle qui affiche tous les arrêts du tableau jusqu'à ce qu'il arrive au bout
  for (int i=0; i<multArret.length; i++) {
  for (int i=0; i<multRoad.length; i++) {

  //toutes les 101 frames, met à jour les arrêts
  if (frameCount%100 >=99) {
    for (int i=0; i<multArret.length; i++) {

  //text(frameCount, 100, 150);
  text(nf(frameRate, 1, 1)+" FPS", 100, 150);
/*text(frameCount%100, 100, 100);*/

void mouseDragged() {
  if (hoverSlider == false) {
    if (pmouseX < mouseX) {
      mouseTransformX += 1;
    if (pmouseX > mouseX) {
      mouseTransformX += -1;
    if (pmouseY < mouseY) {
      mouseTransformY +=1;
    if (pmouseY > mouseY) {
      mouseTransformY +=-1;

class Slider {
  boolean clicked;
  float value;
  int positionLineX, positionLineY, size, posX, posY;

  Slider() {
    positionLineX = 30;
    positionLineY = 30;
    size = 300 + positionLineX;
    posX = positionLineX;
    posY = positionLineY;
    value = 0;
    clicked = false;

  void affichage() {
    translate(-mouseTransformX, -mouseTransformY);
    rect(0, 0, width, 60/value);
    line(positionLineX/value, positionLineY/value, size/value, positionLineY/value);
    ellipse(posX/value, posY/value, 20/value, 20/value);
    text(value * 100 + "%", (size/value) + 20/value, posY/value);

    if (dist(posX, posY, mouseX, mouseY)< 11) {

      if (mousePressed) {
        hoverSlider = true;
        clicked = true;
    if (mousePressed) {
      if (slider1.clicked && slider1.posX >= slider1.positionLineX && slider1.posX <= slider1.size) {

        slider1.posX = mouseX;
    if (mousePressed == false) {
      clicked = false;
      hoverSlider = false;

    if (posX < positionLineX) {
      posX = positionLineX;
    } else if (posX > size) {
      posX = size;

  float valueZoom() {
    value = map(posX, positionLineX, size, 1, 4);
    return value;

class Road {
  float x1, x2, y1, y2;
  Road (float posX1, float posX2, float posY1, float posY2) {
    x1 = posX1;
    x2 = posX2;
    y1 = posY1;
    y2 = posY2;

  //fonction qui affiche les routes
  void affichage() {
    line(x1, x2, y1, y2);

class Arret {
  float x, y, size;
  int maxT, currentT, newT, oldT, density;
  Arret(float posX, float posY) {
    x = posX;
    y = posY;
    size = 15;
    maxT = 1000;
    currentT = round(random(10, 1000));
    newT = round(random(10, 350));
    oldT = round(random(10, 350));
    density = round(map(currentT, 0, maxT, 0, 100));

  //fonction qui affiche les arrêts
  void affichage() {
    fill(255, 0, 0, 55);
    ellipse(x, y, density, density);

  void countDensity() {
    text(currentT, x+density/2, y+density/2);

  //fonction qui met à jour la densité des arrêts aléatoirement
  void majPeople() {
    currentT += -newT + oldT;
    newT = round(random(10, 350));
    oldT = round(random(10, 350));
    density = round(map(currentT, 0, maxT, 0, 100));

  void popup(float value) {
    if (dist((x + mouseTransformX)*value, (y + mouseTransformY)*value, mouseX, mouseY)< 100) {
      if (mousePressed) {
        fill(255, 255, 255, 180);
        rect(x + 100, y, 224, 72);
        text(maxT + " :touriste MAXIMUM", x +12, y-16);
        text(currentT + " :touriste ACTUEL", x  +12, y +4);
        text(density +"%"+ " :Saturation", x +12, y +24);


Load the image in setup():

PImage img;

void setup() 
  size(800, 800); 
  img = loadImage("picture.jpg");  

void draw() 
  image(img, 0, 0, width, height);


Thank you very much! You saved me :slight_smile:

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