Hey I just wanted to share my minimalist code with you…
Welcome to my Sound Spectrum project, based on the Minim Api !
This is a homemade project done for fun purpose, so customize and extend it if you want !
Main features : high performance DFT transformation, with 4 visualizations types at the same time.
I recommend using Netbeans for this project, wich work pretty well.
First run :
- Make sure you import LibsToImportAtFirstRun libs so you can compile the code (it wont compile if you don't import these libs)
- Customize the data path to you prefered mp3 file in the main class "VisualizationRun" ex : public static final String mp3file1="C:\\Users\\Chris\\Documents\\DevPerso\\SoundSpectrumProjectMinimAndJavaFX\\resources\\DeorroFtElvisCrespoBailar.mp3";
- Right click on the "VisualizationRun" class and 'Run file' and that's it !!
Functionallities TODO (HELP and contributors WANTED!) :
- For a given windows path : Read every mp3 in a specified folder in a row
- Change the camera position in order to improve scene display (like in the picture "3D-Spectrum-of-Sound.jpg")
- Apply a Logarithmic (or Square root) scale on data measures, in order to improve scene display (highlight high frequency measures and minimize low frequency measures)
Demo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxYBAFk8pIk
Processing libs forums : https://discourse.processing.org/t/sharing-minimaslit-project-to-do-a-3d-sound-spectrum-visualiazer/9876
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This project is using Processing and minim libraries, I hope you enjoy
Thanks for sharing this!
I would recommend adding an few lines at the top of the README describing what your project is / what it does, before explaining how to install / use it. Is it a specific visualizer, or a toolkit for building visualizers? Does it generate music, or do you play your own? Is this a library, or an app? Et cetera.