Shapes3D: Toroid class is missing (new version of library)

Hello all,

I just try using an old Sketch,

but it says:

shapes3d: Toroid class is missing

Can anybody help me?


also failing

  boxBoard[iBox].setSize(80, 5, 80);

(it’s an array: Box[] boxBoard = new Box[27];)

For Processing 4.3 and Shapes 3D version:

Following the link in the Contribution Manager will lead to:

Version 3.0 states:

It will not run sketches created with earlier versions.

Older versions are available and a quick look indicated that at least one of them had “toroid” in there.



In another discussion you asked about restoring the Toroid class to Shapes3D V3. I will answer the question here because it fits the discussion title better.

The simple answer is NO but don’t despair read on :grinning:

Shapes3D V3 is a complete reworking of the library and introduced new classes and features which made some older classes redundant - Toroid was one of them. One of the new features was the ability to generate 3D shapes by dragging a 2D shape (cross-section) along a 2D/3D path. This is facilitated by two new / updated classes

  1. Tube a circular or elliptical shape dragged along a path
  2. Extrusion a polygon (either concave or convex) dragged along a path

A toroid can be created by dragging a circle round a circular path. The following code demonstrates how to do this. :partying_face:

import shapes3d.*;
import shapes3d.contour.*;
import shapes3d.path.*;
import shapes3d.utils.*;

Tube torroid;
float ax, ay, az;

void setup() {
  size(400, 400, P3D);
  // Create the torroid
  torroid = makeTorroid(100, 100, 48, 30, 30, 24);
  // Set render attributes for torroid
    .fill(color(160, 160, 255))
    .stroke(color(0, 0, 160))
    .drawMode(S3D.WIRE | S3D.SOLID);

void draw() {
  translate(width/2, height/2);
  // The next few lines rotate the graphics
  // context so we view the shape from different
  // angles making it appear to be tumbling.
  ax += 0.0043;
  ay += 0.0093;
  az += 0.0079;

Many shapes can be created by extruding a 2D shape (cross-sectiorn) along a path. 
To create a torroid the cross-sectiorn will be a simple circle (an ellipse with 
both axis the same length) and a circular (elliptical) path.

In this function we create a circular path with x radius 'ringX' and y radius 'ringY'
and the path will be made from 'nbrSlices' straight segments. 

Next we create the cross-section to ectrude - again a simple circle (an ellipse with 
both axis the same length)  

Finally we use them to create an instance of Tube that looks like a torroid.
Tube makeTorroid(float ringX, float ringY, int nbrSlices,
  float crossX, float crossY, int nbrSegs) {
  // Create tube path (circular / elliptical
  Path path = new Ring(ringX, ringY, nbrSlices);
  // Create torroid cross-section
  Oval oval = new Oval(crossX, crossY, nbrSegs);
  //  Extrude oval round path to create torroid
  Tube torroid = new Tube(path, oval);
  return torroid;

Please note that the website was also completely updated for Shapes3D V3. There are a lot of guides here :grinning:


I found this example in the archives; it is an animation of creating a toroid shape by dragging a circle in an elliptical path:


//Value is position in elliptical orbit: 0 to 2*PI
float val = 0;
//Speed of object in the orbit
float speed = 0.05;

void setup(){
  size(500, 500);
  surface.setTitle("Animated Toroid");

void draw(){
  //Calculate x and y as values between -1 and 1
  float x = sin(val);
  float y = cos(val);  
  //Multiply x and y by the ellipses width and height
  x *= 100; // ellipse width
  y *= 50; // ellipse height  
  //Move the center point of the elliptical orbit where you want it   
   x += width/2;
   y += height/2;
  //Update the value
  val += speed;


Toroid works fine, thanks!

Define it :

void defineToroid() {

  // Create the torroid
  toroid = makeToroid(100, 100, 48,
    30, 30,
  color colO=color(0, 255, 0);
  // Set render attributes for torroid

Many shapes can be created by extruding a 2D shape (cross-sectiorn) along a path.
 To create a toroid the cross-sectiorn will be a simple circle (an ellipse with
 both axis the same length) and a circular (elliptical) path.
 In this function we create a circular path with x radius 'ringX' and y radius 'ringY'
 and the path will be made from 'nbrSlices' straight segments.
 Next we create the cross-section to extrude - again a simple circle (an ellipse with
 both axis the same length)
 Finally we use them to create an instance of Tube that looks like a toroid.
Tube makeToroid(float ringX, float ringY,
  int nbrSlices,
  float crossX, float crossY,
  int nbrSegs) {

  // Create tube path (circular / elliptical
  Path path = new Ring(ringX, ringY, nbrSlices);

  // Create torroid cross-section
  Oval oval = new Oval(crossX, crossY, nbrSegs);

  //  Extrude oval round path to create torroid
  Tube toroid = new Tube(path, oval);

  return toroid;

Use it:

void paintO () {
  // all defs see void setup()

  // The next few lines rotate the graphics
  // context so we view the shape from a different
  // angle 
  // rotateY(ay);
  // rotateZ(az);
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You can create digital art with this code:

//Value is position in elliptical orbit: 0 to 2*PI
float val = 0;
//Speed of object in the orbit
float speed = 0.05;
float ax, ay, az;

void setup() {
  size(800, 800, P3D);
  surface.setTitle("Animated Toroid");

void draw() {
  //Calculate x and y as values between -1 and 1
  float x = sin(val);
  float y = cos(val);
  //Multiply x and y by the ellipses width and height
  x *= 100; // ellipse width
  y *= 50; // ellipse height
  //Move the center point of the elliptical orbit where you want it
  x += width/2;
  y += height/2;
  fill(255, 0, 0);
  ax += 0.0043;
  ay += 0.0093;
  az += 0.0079;
  circle(x, y, 50);
  //Update the value
  val += speed;

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