Serial Processing does not read or write anything to controller

Hi Team,

I have written a processing software for the first time for my project.
The concept is to read data from and write commands to pulser controller over the serial port.
However, even though I see the COM port getting connected I am not able to send or receive any communication to and from the upulser over Serial port.
I have verified the uPulser and it is in working condition through the firmware option.
But I need to develop this GUI software for QA-QC purpose.
Kindly provide your input what would be the reason and how would I resolve it.

Please find below two files of the code. I don’t know how to attach the code so copy pasting the code below.

------------------Tester file where set up occurs ------------------------

import controlP5.*;
import processing.serial.*;
import java.util.*;

ControlP5 cp5;

float rev=0.2;

boolean connected = false;
byte port_num=-1;  // the Serial.list() call below will list all the available serial ports on your host...Enter the port number here
boolean setup = true;

int BitTimes=0;
int Attenuation=0;
int iBittime=3;
int iAttn=5;
int iRGD=1500;
int iSamples=10;
int iThreshold=70;
int Samples=1;
int Threshold=0;
int iPulsedelay=0;
int iStarttime = 0;
int iPeakMin;
int iPeakMax;
float strikeRefl;
float strikeInt;
int reflLimit = 80;
int intLimit = 80;
float reflDist = 41;
float colDepth;
String timeName;
String dateName;
int savedTime;
int totalTime = 1500;
PrintWriter sample_file;  // Vector output tofile

PFont f, b, s;  
Serial port;  // Create object from Serial class
int[] values; // Vector array received from the serial port

// Variable Gain unit specific change here.
int mode_reg=0x0C;  // VGA type

int x1, x2, y1, y2;

int iPause = 0;  // state variable to control the draw method 0 = draw, 1 = pause
int iScreenX;
int iScreenY;

int iVectorWindowX;
int iVectorWindowY = 512;
float fVelocity = 1.497; // water mm/us = 1497 m/s
//float fVelocity = 6.100; // steel mm/us = 6100 m/s

int iControlX = 0; // location of controls
int iControlY = 550;
int c1, c2, c3, c4;
void setup() 
  size(1024, 768);
  iScreenX = width;
  iScreenY = height;
  iVectorWindowX = iScreenX;
  iVectorWindowY = iScreenY*512/768;
  iControlX = 0;
  iControlY = iScreenY*550/768;
  c1 =10;
  c2 = iScreenX/3-150;
  c3 = iScreenX/3*2-200;
  c4 = iScreenX-310;
  println("c1: "+c1+"  c2: "+c2+"  c3: "+c3+" c4: "+c4);

String[] availablePorts = Serial.list();
  for(int i = 0;i<=availablePorts.length-1;i++){
    if (availablePorts[i].contains("tty.usbserial")||
      port_num = (byte)i;    
  if (port_num!=-1){
  port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[port_num], 9600);

  f = loadFont("GillSans-24.vlw");
  b = loadFont("GillSans-14.vlw");
  s= loadFont("GillSans-12.vlw");
  fill(255, 255, 255);
  println("Make Buttons");
  cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
    .setPosition(c1, iControlY+90)
    .setSize(100, 39)
    .setPosition(c1, iControlY+130)
    .setSize(100, 39)
    .setPosition(c1, iControlY+170)
    .setSize(100, 39)

    .setPosition(c2, iControlY+105)
    .setSize(200, 29)
    .setRange(0, 127)
  cp5.getController("Attenuation").getCaptionLabel().align(ControlP5.LEFT, ControlP5.TOP_OUTSIDE).setPaddingX(2);
  cp5.getController("Attenuation").getValueLabel().align(ControlP5.RIGHT, ControlP5.TOP_OUTSIDE).setPaddingX(2);

    .setPosition(c2, iControlY+170)
    .setSize(200, 29)
    .setRange(0, 3)
  cp5.getController("BitTimes").getCaptionLabel().align(ControlP5.LEFT, ControlP5.TOP_OUTSIDE).setPaddingX(2);
  cp5.getController("BitTimes").getValueLabel().align(ControlP5.RIGHT, ControlP5.TOP_OUTSIDE).setPaddingX(2);

    .setPosition(c3, iControlY+105)
    .setSize(200, 29)
    .setRange(1, 25)
  cp5.getController("Samples").getCaptionLabel().align(ControlP5.LEFT, ControlP5.TOP_OUTSIDE).setPaddingX(2);
  cp5.getController("Samples").getValueLabel().align(ControlP5.RIGHT, ControlP5.TOP_OUTSIDE).setPaddingX(2);

    .setPosition(iControlX+c3, iControlY+170)
    .setSize(200, 29)
    .setRange(0, 255)
  cp5.getController("Threshold").getCaptionLabel().align(ControlP5.LEFT, ControlP5.TOP_OUTSIDE).setPaddingX(2);
  cp5.getController("Threshold").getValueLabel().align(ControlP5.RIGHT, ControlP5.TOP_OUTSIDE).setPaddingX(2);
   println("Set Frame rate and background");

  setup = true;

--------------------------Communication file where I write command and read data back from the pulser controller-------------------

/*================== Threshold =================*/

// Set the value of the threshold for the comparitor
// this is used to detect echoes with out the need to analyze the vector
// retunred values or in bittimes 

public void Threshold(int tsv)
  if (setup) {
    println("Threshold slider: "+tsv);
  iThreshold = tsv;
  if (connected)
    println("Port Available: "+port.available());
    while (port.available () < 1) {

    while (port.available () < 1) {;

/*================== Attenuation ===============*/

// set attenuation of receiver
// Valid values 0-127
// 0 = max attn
// 127 = min attn
public void Attenuation(int asv)
  int reply;
  if (setup) {
    println("Attenuation slider: "+asv);
  iAttn = asv;
  if (connected)
    if (iAttn < 0)
      iAttn = 0;
    else if (iAttn > 127)
      iAttn = 127;
println("contact uPulser");
    println("send Register selection");

    while (port.available () < 1) {
      reply =;

    while (port.available () < 1) {
      reply =;

------------------------Draw file where I get output on GUI--------------------------------------------------------------------------

void draw() // this runs at refresh rate, this is an autonomous operation...runs to completion before any other callbacks execute
  if (iPause == 0) 

    fill(75, 75, 75);
    rect(0, 0, 50, iVectorWindowY);
    rect(974, 0, 50, iVectorWindowY);
    fill(255, 255, 255);
    triangle(10, 10, 20, 0, 20, 20);
    triangle(1004, 0, 1014, 10, 1004, 20);

    text("EcoInsight Pulser Test rev:"+rev, iControlX+10, iControlY);

    text("Gain", c4, iControlY+100);
    text("Zoom", c4, iControlY+130);
    text("Average", c4, iControlY+160);
    text("Thresold", c4, iControlY+190);

    stroke(204, 102, 0); // draw orange horizontal line
    line(0, ((255-iThreshold)*iVectorWindowY/256), 1023, ((255-iThreshold)*iVectorWindowY/256));

    if (connected) {
      port.write(0x02);  // <STX>

      port.write(0x00);  // send command to start probe sample

      while (port.available () < 1) {;    // get <STX> from probe
      while (port.available () < 1) {
        println("LSB: "; // get LSB #bytes;
      while (port.available () < 1) {
        println("MSB: ";  // get MSB #bytes7;

      // ********* get vector from probe ************
      for (int x=0; x<1024; x++) {
        while (port.available () < 1) {
          values[x]= (;  // read 1024 bytes
      } // get vector for loop

      while (port.available () < 1) {;  // get <EOT> from Probe

      for (int x=0; x<1023; x++)
        x1 = x;
        x2 = x+1;
        y1 = (255-values[x1])*iVectorWindowY/256; // scale the values
        y2 = (255-values[x2])*iVectorWindowY/256;
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
      } // draw vector for loop
      //******** Threshold Logic ***********
      //Compare each point in the vector to a threshold
      //When the compare triggers display the time of the Echo

      for (int x=0; x<1024; x++) 

        if (iThreshold >= values[x])
          println("Bittime in seconds:"+Bittime()+" Time:"+ (x*(Bittime())+(iRGD*Bittime()))*1000000);
          sample_file.println("Bittime in seconds:"+Bittime()+" Time:"+ (x*(Bittime())+(iRGD*Bittime()))*1000000);

          strikeRefl = (x*(Bittime())+(iRGD*Bittime()))*1000000;
          if (strikeRefl < 90) {
            text("Reflector Peak "+((x*(Bittime())+(iRGD*Bittime()))*1000000)+" us", iControlX+300, iControlY);
            println ("Strike Reflector = "+strikeRefl);
            sample_file.println ("Strike Reflector = "+strikeRefl);

            fVelocity = (reflDist*2)/strikeRefl;
            println ("fVelocity) = "+fVelocity);
            sample_file.println ("fVelocity) = "+fVelocity);

            text("In Situ Velocity: " +fVelocity +" mm/us", iControlX+300, iControlY+30);

            stroke(255, 0, 0);
            line(x, 0, x, iVectorWindowY);
      } // threshold for loop

      for (int x=0; x<1024; x++) 
        if (iThreshold >= values[x])
          strikeInt = (x*(Bittime())+(iRGD*Bittime()))*1000000;
          if (strikeInt > 90)
            text("Interface Peak: ", iControlX+100, iControlY);  
            text(strikeInt +" us", iControlX+100, iControlY+30); 
            text("Oil Column Depth:", iControlX+100, iControlY+60);
            text((0.5*strikeInt*fVelocity)+" mm", iControlX+100, iControlY+90);
            stroke(255, 0, 0);
            line(x, 0, x, iVectorWindowY);

            sample_file.println ("Interface Peak: "+strikeInt);
            sample_file.println ("Oil Column Depth: "+(0.5*strikeInt*fVelocity));


      // ************* PP Logic ****************
      iPeakMax = 0;
      iPeakMin = 512;      

      for (int x=0; x<1024; x++) 
        if (values[x] > iPeakMax)
          iPeakMax = values[x];
        //println("iPeakMax: " +iPeakMax);
        if (values[x] < iPeakMin)
          iPeakMin = values[x];
        //println("iPeakMin: " +iPeakMin);

      text("Relative Peak Attenuation: " +(iPeakMax-iPeakMin), iControlX+300, iControlY+60);

      // ************ draw vector ************

      for (int x=0; x<1023; x++)
        x1 = x;
        x2 = x+1;
        y1 = (255-values[x1])*iVectorWindowY/256; // scale the values
        y2 = (255-values[x2])*iVectorWindowY/256;
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
      } // draw vector for loop

    // draw the vertical cursor

    if (mouseX<1024 && mouseY<iVectorWindowY) 
      stroke(204, 102, 0);
      line(mouseX, 0, mouseX, iVectorWindowY);
      text(nf(Time(mouseX), 0, 2)+"us", mouseX, 500);
      if ((mousePressed == true) && (mouseX > 50) && (mouseX < 974)) 
      {// set start time to cursor position
      } else if ((mousePressed == true) && (mouseX > 0) && (mouseX < 50)) 
      { // set start time earlier
        iStarttime = iStarttime - int((512.0*Bittime()*1000000.0));
        if (iStarttime < 0)
          iStarttime = 0;
      } else if ((mousePressed == true) && (mouseX > 974) && (mouseX < 1024))  
      {// set start time later
        iStarttime = iStarttime + int((512.0*Bittime()*1000000.0));

    // draw the x/y axis and label them
    stroke(128, 128, 128);
    line(0, iVectorWindowY/2, 1024, iVectorWindowY/2);
    line(0, iVectorWindowY, iVectorWindowX, iVectorWindowY);
    for (int x = 0; x< 1024; x= x+42) 
      line(x, iVectorWindowY/2+5, x, iVectorWindowY/2-5);
    text(nf(Time(0), 0, 2)+"µs", 10, iVectorWindowY/2+20); 
    text(nf(Time(1024), 0, 2)+"µs", iVectorWindowX-10, iVectorWindowY/2+20);

The issue is that if I edit the COM port in the first file to the com port the pulser is detected on, I get no communication between that and GUI and if I edit the COM port to a different number it is not getting connected (which is correct).
So even if it gets connected why the communication does not occur.

Please help.


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sorry, not sure i got your concept,

but you can not run 2 programs connecting to one COM port,
only one will connect.

so what i did for Raspberry Pi talking to Arduino USB ( what runs a menu interface )

  • -a- service program
    … handle the communication, ( opens COM port and keeps it open! )
    … prints the ( evaluated ) incomming data to a RAM DISK file
    ( over writing mode )
    … checks for a command file in RAM DISK
    reads and empties it ( to confirm it got it already),
    and send the approprieate commands via COM port out to the arduino menu
    … uses the incomming data for a reduction and write ( append )
    to a historic data file.

  • -b- operator interface ( GUI ) program
    … reads the incomming RAM DISK file
    and make the visualization
    … on operator action writes commands to the command file.

the good thing with this concept is:
the service program will be autostart, background…

the operator program will be started ( and stopped ) when needed,
still ( like data collection ) will go on in the background by the service program.
old example at

but all this is not needed if you have just one processing program
open COM port read and write…

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Please format your Code correctly. You can do so by pasting the preformatted (Press Str+T/CTRL+T in processing) Code in the space created with the </> sign.

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