I am trying to save data in a table in processing. Data is pressure sensor data collected through serial monitor of Arduino. I am getting a error message which I could not resolve.
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class
//String val; // Data received from the serial port
Table dataTable;
//Table table;
//Table table;
table = new Table();
int numReadings = 5000; //keeps track of how many readings you'd like to take before writing the file.
int readingCounter = 0; //counts each reading to compare to numReadings.
String fileName;
void setup(){
String portName = Serial.list()[0]; //change the 0 to a 1 or 2 etc. to match your port
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
table.addColumn("id"); //This column stores a unique identifier for each record. We will just count up from 0 - so your first reading will be ID 0, your second will be ID 1, etc.
table.addColumn("Load cell"); //the following are dummy columns for each data value. Add as many columns as you have data values. Customize the names as needed. Make sure they are in the same order as the order that Arduino is sending them!
void serialEvent(Serial myPort){
val = myPort.readStringUntil('\n'); //The newline separator separates each Arduino loop. We will parse the data by each newline separator.
if (val!= null) { //We have a reading! Record it.
val = trim(val); //gets rid of any whitespace or Unicode nonbreakable space
println(val); //Optional, useful for debugging. If you see this, you know data is being sent. Delete if you like.
float sensorVals[] = float(split(val, ',')); //parses the packet from Arduino and places the values into the sensorVals array. I am assuming floats. Change the data type to match the datatype coming from Arduino.
TableRow newRow = dataTable.addRow(); //add a row for this new reading
newRow.setInt("id", table.lastRowIndex()); //record a unique identifier (the row's index)
//record time stamp
newRow.setInt("year", year());
newRow.setInt("month", month());
newRow.setInt("day", day());
newRow.setInt("hour", hour());
newRow.setInt("minute", minute());
newRow.setInt("second", second());
//record sensor information. Customize the names so they match your sensor column names.
newRow.setFloat("sensor1", sensorVals[0]);
//newRow.setFloat("sensor2", sensorVals[1]);
readingCounter++; //optional, use if you'd like to write your file every numReadings reading cycles
//saves the table as a csv in the same folder as the sketch every numReadings.
if (readingCounter % numReadings ==0) //The % is a modulus, a math operator that signifies remainder after division. The if statement checks if readingCounter is a multiple of numReadings (the remainder of readingCounter/numReadings is 0)
fileName = str(year()) + str(month()) + str(day()) + str(dataTable.lastRowIndex()); //this filename is of the form year+month+day+readingCounter
saveTable(dataTable, fileName); //Woo! save it to your computer. It is ready for all your spreadsheet dreams.
void draw() {
if (mousePressed == true)
{ //if we clicked in the window
myPort.write('T'); //send a 1
{ //otherwise
myPort.write('0'); //send a 0
I am getting the error message: Syntax Error - Missing operator, semicolon, or ‘}’ near ‘setup’?
But I could not find any missing semicolon, or ‘}’ near ‘setup’. Where exactly I am doing wrong? Could anyone please help?