Hi Kf,
Thanks for taking the time to help out (again)
I am indeed using the serialEvent() function to collect AND parse the data coming in. I’m saving the table to the hard drive every 5 seconds and still I’m seeing less data than expected.
I confirmed that the serial port is indeed receiving all the expected data using a simple serial terminal.
Since keeping i didn’t come across any new suggestions with these broad descriptions, i’ll go a bit more specific and post the code below:
Should i have set up a buffer for the saving the data into the buffer rather than parsing and saving the data as it comes in? If so, wouldn’t my program start to lag behind the real-time data pretty badly?
import processing.serial.*;
import static javax.swing.JOptionPane.*;
Table table;
String Path = "PathProvidedHere.csv";
String message;
//Some time keeping variables
int hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds;
float SaveTime;
//Serial port selection
Serial myPort;
String COMx, COMlist = "";
final boolean debug = true;
String portName;
// Data variables
float yaw = 0.0; float pitch = 0.0; float roll = 0.0;
float A1, A2, A3, A4;
float E1, E2, E3, E4;
void setup() {
//Set up GIU box
size(1024, 768, P3D);
//Some other setups like fonts, graphs, etc.
//Set up the logging table
table = new Table();
table.addColumn("A1"); table.addColumn("A2"); table.addColumn("A3"); table.addColumn("A4");
table.addColumn(""); table.addColumn("E1"); table.addColumn("E3"); table.addColumn("E4");
table.addColumn(" "); table.addColumn("min"); table.addColumn("sec"); table.addColumn("milli");
portName = chooseCOM();
void draw() {
//serialEvent(myPort); // read and parse incoming serial message
if(millis() - SaveTime > 5000){
saveTable(table, Path);
String chooseCOM() {
setupP2 = true;
try {
if (debug) printArray(Serial.list());
int i = Serial.list().length;
if (i != 0) {
if (i >= 2) {
// need to check which port the inst uses -
// for now we'll just let the user decide
for (int j = 0; j < i; ) {
COMlist += char(j+'a') + " = " + Serial.list()[j];
if (++j < i) COMlist += ", ";
COMx = showInputDialog("Which COM port is correct? (a,b,..):\n"+COMlist);
if (COMx == null) exit();
if (COMx.isEmpty()) exit();
i = int(COMx.toLowerCase().charAt(0) - 'a') + 1;
String portName = Serial.list()[i-1];
if (debug) //println(portName + " Selected");
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 115200); // change baud rate to your liking
myPort.bufferUntil(13); // buffer until CR/LF appears, but not required..
return portName;
} else {
showMessageDialog(frame, "Device is not connected to the PC");
catch (Exception e)
{ //Print the type of error
showMessageDialog(frame, "COM port is not available (may\nbe in use by another program)");
//println("Error:", e);
return "noPort";
void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
int newLine = 13; // new line character in ASCII
do {
message = myPort.readStringUntil(newLine); // read from port until new line
if (message != null) {
String[] list = split(trim(message), " ");
if (list.length == 4 && list[0].equals("i")) {
yaw = float(list[1]); // convert to float yaw
pitch = float(list[2]); // convert to float pitch
roll = float(list[3]); // convert to float roll
} else if (list.length == 5 && list[0].equals("s")) {
A1 = float(list[1]);
A2 = float(list[2]);
A3 = float(list[3]);
A4 = float(list[4]);
} else if (list.length >=2 && list[0].equals("b")) {
Battery = int(list[1]);
} else if (list.length >= 2 && list[0].equals("m")) {
MACid = int(list[1]);
} else {
//print anything extra to console
} while (message != null);
void SavetoCSV() {
if (A1 != 0) {
TableRow newRow = table.addRow();
newRow.setFloat("A1", (A1));
newRow.setFloat("A2", (A2));
newRow.setFloat("A3", (A3));
newRow.setFloat("A4", (A4));
//saveTable(table, Path);