I want to generate file name and data & time in csv file in the format yyyymmdd hhmmss.zzz. Where: zzz is millisecond. e.g 20190709 090801.001. But my following code can only get the format 201979 981.1
//import the required libraries
import processing.serial.*;
Serial mySerial;
Table table;
String filename;
void setup()
//set mySerial to listen on COM port 10 at 9600 baud
mySerial = new Serial(this, "COM4", 115200);
table = new Table();
//add a column header "Time" and "Date" for a timestamp to each data entry
//add a column header "Data" for the collected data
table.addColumn("Temperature Channel 0");
void draw()
//variables called each time a new data entry is received
int d = day();
int m = month();
int y = year();
int h = hour();
int min = minute();
int s = second();
if(mySerial.available() > 0)
//set the value recieved as a String
String value = mySerial.readString();
//check to make sure there is a value
if(value != null)
//add a new row for each value
TableRow newRow = table.addRow();
//place the new row and value under the "Data" column
newRow.setString("Data", value);
//place the new row and time under the "Time" column
newRow.setString("Time", str(h) + ":" + str(min) + ":" + str(s));
//place the new row and date under the "Date" column
newRow.setString("Date", str(d) + "/" + str(m) + "/" + str(y));
void keyPressed()
//variables used for the filename timestamp
int d = day();
int m = month();
int h = hour();
int min = minute();
int s = second();
//variable as string under the data folder set as (mm-dd--hh-min-s.csv)
filename = "data/" + str(m) + "-" + str(d) + "--" + str(h) + "-" + str(min) + "-" + str(s) + ".csv";
//save as a table in csv format(data/table - data folder name table)
saveTable(table, filename);
​ ​I handled this task easily in C++ by using setfill and setw commands. But I haven’t used Processing code before, so I don’t know how to fill in the blank space, such as hour, minute less than 10 your code only shows 1 digit. Please tell me how to make the format with full digits. For example, if the hour is 1h, I want it to generate 01, not 1. ​ ​Besides, after generated the CSV file, all data are put in the same row with date & time. It should be each data corresponding a single second. I want it to update data every second for 30 sensor channels. How to make it work by Processing code? ​ ​Thanks in advance.