Sampling a pseudo rotation into a perfect rotation. It works! (but not from everywhere)

Hi everyones :wink:
This code allows you to record mouse as a movement of rotation and play it back using interpolation to smooth the movement between recorded samples.
Morever, If your circle pass through the first point or is far from the the first point the mouvement will automatically a perfect rotation.
By clicking once and moving the mouse from the left of the trigonometric circle, you are starting to record the movement. If you stop 2 seconds after near the first point the movement will repeat itself.
But if I start recording the movement from the right of trigonometric circle and I stop the movement before and half rotation (less than PI) the movement is not repeated.
While it works if I start the movement from the the left of trigonometric circle.
What could be the problem? An engineer helped me but I donโ€™t understand all mathematic transformations he did.
Thanks for helping.

int actualSec,lastSec,measure,measureToStartRecording;
boolean beginRecording = false;
boolean mouseRecorded =  true;
float movementInterpolated, angleToInterpolate;
int numberOfSample;

//--------------------        method of interpolation to return the position of (rotation) by adding modulo
float mlerp(float x0, float x1, float t, float M ){
   float dx = (x1 - x0 + 1.5*M) % M - 0.5*M;
   return (x0 + t * dx + M) % M;

class Sample {
int t;
float x, y;
Sample( int t, float x, float y ) {
this.t = t; this.x = x; this.y = y;

class Sampler {
ArrayList<Sample> samples;
ArrayList<Sample> samplesModified;
int startTime;
int playbackFrame;
Sampler() {
samples = new ArrayList<Sample>();
samplesModified = new ArrayList<Sample>();
startTime = 0;
void beginRecording() {
samples = new ArrayList<Sample>();
samplesModified = new ArrayList<Sample>();
playbackFrame = 0;
void addSample( float x, float y ) { // add sample when beginRecording
int now = millis();
if( samples.size() == 0 ) startTime = now;
samples.add( new Sample( now - startTime, x, y ) );
int fullTime() {
return ( samples.size() > 1 ) ?
samples.get( samples.size()-1 ).t : 0;

void beginPlaying() { // read and transform data in order to have rotation
startTime = millis();
playbackFrame = 0;
println( samples.size(), "samples over", fullTime(), "milliseconds" );
if(samples.size() > 0){
float deltax = samples.get(0).x - samples.get(samples.size()-1).x;
float deltay = samples.get(0).y - samples.get(samples.size()-1).y;
float sumdist = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < samples.size() - 1; i++) {
sumdist += sqrt((samples.get(i).x - samples.get(i +1 ).x)*(samples.get(i).x - samples.get(i +1 ).x) + (samples.get(i).y - samples.get(i +1 ).y)*(samples.get(i).y - samples.get(i +1 ).y));
samplesModified.add( new Sample(samples.get(0).t, samples.get(0).x , samples.get(0).y ) );
float dist = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < samples.size() - 1; i++) {
dist += sqrt((samples.get(i).x - samples.get(i +1 ).x)*(samples.get(i).x - samples.get(i +1 ).x) + (samples.get(i).y - samples.get(i +1 ).y)*(samples.get(i).y - samples.get(i +1 ).y));
samplesModified.add( new Sample(samples.get(i+1).t, (float) (samples.get(i +1).x + (dist * deltax) / sumdist), (float) (samples.get(i+1).y +( dist * deltay )/ sumdist)) );
print( " good data x " + samplesModified.get(i).x);
print( " good data y " + samplesModified.get(i).y);
 void draw() {
stroke( 255 );
for( int i=1; i<samples.size(); i++) {
vertex( samplesModified.get(i-1).x, samplesModified.get(i-1).y ); // replace vertex with Pvector?
vertex( samplesModified.get(i).x, samplesModified.get(i).y );
int now = (millis() - startTime) % fullTime();
if( now < samplesModified.get( playbackFrame ).t ) playbackFrame = 0;
while( samplesModified.get( playbackFrame+1).t < now )
playbackFrame = (playbackFrame+1) % (samples.size()-1);
Sample s0 = samplesModified.get( playbackFrame );
Sample s1 = samplesModified.get( playbackFrame+1 );
float t0 = s0.t;
float t1 = s1.t;
float dt = (now - t0) / (t1 - t0);

float x =mlerp( s0.x, s1.x, dt, TWO_PI ); 
float y =mlerp( s0.x, s1.x, dt, TWO_PI );

movementInterpolated = y ;
text (" movementInterpolated " +  (movementInterpolated) , 100, 500);
fill (255,255,255);
circle ( 100* cos (movementInterpolated)+200, 100*sin (movementInterpolated)+200, 20);

Sampler sampler;

void setup() {  
  size( 600, 600, P3D );
  frameRate(30); // when size is set as P3D (3 dimension) we have 27 or 28 frames (loops) per seconde
  sampler = new Sampler(); 
  mouseY= height/2;

void draw() {
  int numberOfLine = 8; number of line of have a marker on the grid
   for (int i=0; i<=numberOfLine; i++ ){ 
  line (0, height/numberOfLine*i, width, height/numberOfLine*i); // horizon
  line (width/numberOfLine*i, 0, width/numberOfLine*i, height); // vertical

  textSize (20);
  angleToInterpolate = (float) map (mouseY, 0, 200, 0, TWO_PI)%TWO_PI; 
  fill( 100, 0, 0);
  circle ( 100* cos (angleToInterpolate)+200, 100*sin (angleToInterpolate)+200, 20); 
  translate(width/2, height/2);
  translate(28, 0);
  rect(-30, -5, 60, 10);
  ellipse(width/2, height/2, 5, 5);
  text( " repetead  " +nf (movementInterpolated, 0, 2)  + " original " +nf (angleToInterpolate,0,2 ),width/2, height/4);

 if  (actualSec!=lastSec){
       measure++; // add one at each second
  text (measure, 100, 100 );
  actualSec =(int) (millis()*0.001);  // 

  if( beginRecording) { // begin Recoding

     fill (0, 255, 0);
     text (measure, 200, 100 );
  sampler.addSample( angleToInterpolate, angleToInterpolate );
  else {    
  if( sampler.fullTime() > 0 )

  if(numberOfSample > 0){
  println ( frameCount%numberOfSample+1 + " " + movementInterpolated);

void mousePressed() {
  beginRecording = true;   // draw circle
  mouseRecorded = true;
void activeSampling() { 
  if (measure==0 && actualSec!=lastSec && mouseRecorded == true) {
     fill (0, 255, 0);
     text (measure, 200, 100 );

void stopSampling() { 
  if (measure==2 && actualSec!=lastSec) {  
     fill (255, 0, 0); 
     text (measure, 200, 100 );
    mouseRecorded = false;
    beginRecording = false;
    sampler.beginPlaying(); // to transform and to repeat movement